Monday, February 1, 2016

DHC LETTERBOOK - Letters written in September 1895

If a word is unreadable I put ---. The spelling and grammar mistakes are mostly his. 
Note: "ult" means previous month; "inst" means current month; "prox" means next month. -CBA


3d Sept    5
Elder Robt C. Lund
             Salt Lake City, Utah
                        Dear Bro. Lund:-
                                    I thought it would be well to write you about the land in the Washington Field as you suggested that I leave the matter in your hands to look after in my interest. My present writing is to ascertain whether you have heard anything further in relation to the subject as I would like to put my sons to plowing before I leave for conference.
             Everything is quite here at present and the health of the people improving.
             With kind regards,
                        I am your brother
                                    In the gospel
                                                David H. Cannon

5th September    5
George M. Cannon Esq
             Chairman Republican Te’l Commt       
                        Dear George M.:-
                                    Your favor of the 29th ult is to hand and contents noted. In reply will say that your Aunt (Mrs. Woodbury) is gone on a tour of the County. She showed me yours to her. I had not then received yours. I do not know what act she took in the matter of organizing Republican Clubs. I suggested to her that she get some one in each settlement to take hold of the matter. Organization is what you want in this County.
             The ruling of the Supreme Court in relation to women voting is just right! The Republicans can carry the Territory without any trouble at the coming election, and before another election takes place your numbers will have greatly increased. Let your party be in power and your trouble is over. This County is Republican if they only knew it, they will learn in time, the Republicans have done nothing to draw the people to them here.
             You have put a strong ticket in the field it will carry the territory.
             In regard to myself. I have joined neither party. I expect to vote the republican ticket. My sons that are of age are Republicans. In my position in the Temple I have thought it better for me to let politics alone.
             Your party lacks organization and system in the County. If I was in a situation to help you I would do so.
             With kind regards I am
                        Yours respectfully         
                                    David H. Cannon

9th Sept    5
Elder W.C. Spence
             Salt Lake City 
                        My Dear Brother Spence:-
                                    The time to go to the City has again come around and as I have made use of you before in seeming favors for Railroad officials I make bold to do so again.
             I would like to leave here on 27inst and take my son Lewis R. Cannon with me. If you could do anything to secure us a special rate I would accept it a great favor.
Trusting yourself and family are quite well and with kind regards
I remain your brother
            David H. Cannon

9th Sept    5
Hon A.H. Cannon
            Salt Lake City, Utah
                        My Dear Abraham:-
                                    Yours of the 2d inst is to hand and after making due inquiry in relation to the land mater, I find that if we were to redeem the lots they would remain in the name of the persons who owned them at the time they were sold for Taxes and would have to be deeded by them to you before you would have a title.
           There is one other way and only one by which the case can be reached and the Deeds from the parties that own the lots relinquish their claim anytime within the two years from the time of sale.
All are well with kind regards I remain yours as ever
            David H. Cannon

(Some of the middle of this letter was missing)

11th Sep;t   5
President Angus M. Cannon
            Salt Lake City, Utah
                        My Dear Brother Angus:-
                                    I was dreaming of you and of your affairs lately and as they have weighed upon my mi—more or less during my wakeful moments yesterday and today. I was you, in my dreaming, I thought I was in you and I seen your mine and your hoisting aperture and you were cho--- --- the ore that was [blank rest of line] of this is very rich, [blank words] average fifteen dollars per ton. You reported that you had it in endless quantities and --- me to go down [blank line] not do. Wh---[blank] felt trouble --- of our were --- more or less all day as also others for today.
           I trust that the outlook for you is brighter and that my p--- is not altogether without significance [blank]
My little Clara has very sore eyes, with this exception, my family are in their usual health, as also our friends as far as I know.
           We are having court here at the present time. I called upon Judge Bartch last evening and spent a pleasant hour. He seems to be a pleasant gentleman. The town is full of strangers.
           Our stake quarterly conference will convene here next Sunday, 16th inst. We are looking forward to a good time as Apostle Lyman and others of the Brethren are expected to be with us.
           Our companies still keep about the same. We have today, 7 persons for their own endowments and 27 for the dead and a nice spirit prevails in the Building. It is a joyous place to be!
           We close on the 27th of the month when if the way opens I will start to the City. I want, if I can to bring Lewis with me that he may have a rest from his labor. I have not told him for fear of disappointing him. The weather keeps warm but with cooler nights. My family would join me in love to all if they knew I was writing. Bro. Bleak also joins in love.
           May the Lord bless you, my dear brother is my constant desire. I am as ever your true and loving brother.
            David H. Cannon


17th Sept    5
Apostle A.H. Cannon
            Salt Lake City, Utah
                        My Dear Abraham:-
                                    In response to suggestion contained in our Brother C. Lund’s letter to me, bearing date Salt Lake City 11th inst. I respectfully enclose form of Promissory Note favor of Bro. George Woodward of this City for four hundred dollars, to cancel that amount of the Washington Field Co. indebtedness to Bro. Woodward. After completing the note please return to Brother James G. Bleak this City with necessary instructions.
           I gratefully appreciate this kind consideration of the Brethren, including yourself in bestowing upon me this favor. Which will enable me to better provide for the wants of my family. Praying the Lord to abundantly bless you and all.
            I remain yours
                                      David H. Cannon

26th Sept     5
P;resident Angus M. Cannon
            Salt Lake City, Utah
                        My Dear Brother Angus:-
                                    I returned home from Panaca, Nevada found your of 11 Sept at 9:30 PM yesterday. This morning before breakfast I called upon Bro. Israel Ivins, he does not know any person by the name of Carpenter except our Bro. Carpenters here and thinks it was his brother, Anthony that the man knew. I will make further enquiry and learn, if possible, whether the man has been about here or the Reef. I expect to leave for the City tomorrow evening after we close the temple. All going well will reach the City on 1st Oct.
            My daughter Eva has been confined to her bed for near 3 weeks with something ---e pleurisy. She is now able to be up part of the day. Bro. Higgins is looking after her. The rest of the family well. Excuse brevity. Accept to yourself family I am as ever your true brother
            David H. Cannon