Friday, March 18, 2016

DHC LETTERBOOK - Letters written in November 1895

If a word is unreadable I put ---. The spelling and grammar mistakes are mostly his. 
Note: "ult" means previous month; "inst" means current month; "prox" means next month. -CBA


4th November    5
President John D.T. McAllister
Manti, Sanpete Co. Utah
My Dear Brother McAllister:-
I received your kind letter of the 31 ult. Yesterday. I should have written you on Saturday or Sunday at the latest but I feel that you will pardon my apparent neglect when I say to you that Saturday was High Council and Sunday I was at Washington to meeting going in the morning in time to attend the Sabbath School. I may add that my daughter, Eva, has been very sick so that Saturday after High Council was principally spent by her bedside. Thank the Lord she is now better.
As I telegraphed you on Thursday (31st ult) Sister Alvina passed away in the afternoon at 3:35 PM. She was in such a bad state that it would have been impossible to have kept the body, as mortification had set in before my 1st dispatch was sent. You can imagine the condition of affairs at the house but it is impossible for me to describe it. The body was nicely prepared and place in a neat coffin, and put into the new hearse (the 1st time used) at 3 PM on Friday and brought to the Tabernacle but was not brought into the House but was driven around to the north side of the Tabernacle and left in the Hearse. (which is a most beautiful one) until the services were over, the service were conducted by Bp Cottam, the singing by the Tabernacle choir, J.W. McA. leader, was beautiful. The Table or low form where corpse would have rested had it been in the House was covered with beautiful flowers. One very large wreath having been prepared by our gardener Bro. Bennett was very beautiful. The 1st speaker was Elder James G. Bleak who dwelt upon the birth and life of the deceased, of her having been in the Church and heiress to its blessings who in closing invoked the blessing of God upon you and the remainder of your family, and impressed upon Eddie the importance of observing the counsels of the Lord through His servants. President McArthur was the next speaker, he was grand in his remarks, your humble servant closing by reading your telegrams and bearing testimony to what had been said. Your letters to Eddie were brought in from the Office. One of them was passed up to the stand by Eddie to be read and apportion of the same was read by Bro. Bleak at the request of the Bishop.
I want to say that the sister of the Relief Society as well as neighbors done will that was possible to make things comfortable, poor Sister Ivins, although poorly herself ---- there several times.
I did not know that she was so bad until Wednesday although Pres. McArthur and myself had been in a few days previous, when Sister McAllister remarked “you are just the men I want to see. I want you to bless me that I may get out of this bed.” We blessed her but she did not get up. I want to say for Eddie that he said to me, “Do you think Pa would be mad if I bought a piece of ground and laid Ma in she made me promise to do so if she was buried here and I made the promise.” I said I think not but talk to your bishop. I was not able to attend the graveyard owing to another appointment so that I do not know what was done. May the Lord bless and comfort you. My dear brother. I am as ever yours 
David H. Cannon

7th November    5
Bishop Robert Knell
Pinto, Washington Co. Utah
Dear Brother Knell:-
I have a chance to see Don for 5 cords of wood, which will be equal to $32.00 thirty two dollars in T O pay. Shall we sell him? The wood has to be hauled yet, but I think the parties good for it. Eva is improving but is not well. The rest are in their usual health.
Our election is over, the Territory is conceded to be republicans, the state ticket is elected and two thirds of the Legislators. This county has gone Democratic as also Cache County and Grand Co. is said to have gone for the Populists. E.H. Snow is elected senator from this senatorial district. The details of the election I have not been able to get, as I have not been on the streets to learn. Trusting that all are well and with kind regards,
I am as ever
David H. Cannon

13th Nov’r    5
Prest. Angus M. Cannon.
Salt Lake City, Utah
My dear Brother Angus:-
The sun is shining beautifully after a hard night’s rain, to look at the sky this morning one might think it had always been clear. Just so with the people, nobody would or could think from present appearances that there had been such a struggle and such feelings of acrimony as has existed among the people. No name too vile to apply to their political foes without regard to their station in the church. It now is over and all is serene. I trust that the Lord will deal with us all in great mercy and forgive our sins.
We have some sickness amongst the people whooping cough among the children. My daughter Eva is still very poorly, although improving slowly. Three or four of the children have whooping cough, the rest are in their usual health.
We have got in 30 acres of fall grain and ten acres more ready to put in as soon as it dries off again. After last night’s storm we have had a beautiful fall, mild weather, quantities of Lucerne is still standing uncut while a good deal was in the co-k not hauled when the rain came. The weather is more like spring weather than November.
I wrote you some time since inviting any members of your family who felt to come and spend the winter with us to do so. I want to add that if you should conclude to have any of them come we will have a team meet them at Milford if you will let us know when to do so. The reason I say any of your people. I mentioned Aunt Amanda by name I thought she might want to bring some of the children, or perhaps Aunt Clara might want to come, as I am sure David and Camilla would make her very welcome as well as all the rest of my family would do.
Our companies are small, but a joyous spirit prevails the House of the Lord.
Bro. Bleak joins me in love to you all. May the good Father’s blessing be abundantly bestowed upon you and yours.
Believe me to be as ever
Your loving brother,
David H. Cannon

15th November    5
President John D.T. McAllister
Manti, Sanpete Co., Utah
My Dear Brother McAllister:-
Your nice letter of the 8th inst reached me last evening. I was sitting in my house talking to L. John Nuttall, who has been at my house for a week. He is accompanied by his daughter, Mary. We were both delighted with your letter. May the Lord bless you my dear Brother and comfort your heart as He alone can do. We have been treated to several rainstorms in the last few days which is very acceptable to us all.
The election is over and the feelings of acrimony are beginning to disappear for which I am grateful and I pray the Lord to forgive of our sins as a people for we need it.
I was glad to know that Eddie had gone to Manti, although I did not know it until I received your last favor, feel that it will be good to have him with you. All you say relative to Sister Alvina is true if she has sinned she has also suffered. Her heart was good and she will come forth with the just. She retained the faith and fought the good fight and as I said at her funeral she will come forth with the just and will be crowned with glory, immortality and eternal life.
What joy the contemplation of the gospel brings without which life is not worth living. O hat our wives our children and ourselves may be true to it and entitles to the blessings of the faithful.
The weather is fine people are busy with their fall grain and other work. Plenty to do for everybody, excepting those who are looking for a soft spot to sit down. They will learn, that to have and enjoy that they must make it.
I read yours to the brethren and sisters all expressed their appreciation and desired to be remembered with love and prayers for your welfare. The brethren in the office all join me in love to you and yours as also to those associated with you in your labors. May the Lord bless and comfort you is the earnest desire of your brother and fellow laborer in the cause of truth.
David H. Cannon

19th November    5
George M. Cannon
Salt Lake City, Utah
My Dear George:-
I congratulate you on the grand success of the Republican Party in Utah at the late Elections and you as Chairman for the statesman like manner in which the campaign was conducted! The victory is the more glorious, when it is considered what methods were resorted to by your political opponents in attempting to catch Mormon votes by holding up the names of prominent Church members as appointees in case their party was successful, and their endeavor to frighten the Mormon people by defeating Statehood if their party was not elected to power for if the Mormon people did not vote the democratic ticket it was the authorities of the Church would not let them do so!
I have been asked to suggest the name of Joseph T. Atkin as a candidate for the position of Sargent of Arms of the coming legislative assembly or for some other position as a mark of appreciation of the labors performed. For he spared neither his time or his means in taking the speakers about the County. I can say that Bro. Atkin is a good man and worthy of any confidence that may be placed in him. I do not urge anything of this kind but would merely suggest it as a boost to the party, who have made a manly fight in this Democratic stronghold.
My family are in their usual health excepting whooping cough with which 3 or 4r of the children are afflicted with this.
Give my kind love to the family and accept the same to yourself
Believe me to be as ever
Yours and els-
David H. Cannon

20th Novr    5
President George Q. Cannon
Salt Lake City Utah
My Dear Brother George:-
Your kind favor of the 14th inst was duly received. It was a source of joy to me to learn that you were well and that your family were in a similar condition. I am pleased to be able to report Eva as being better. Still several of the younger children are afflicted with whooping cough. Rhoda’s youngest quite severely.
The feelings engendered over Election differences are subsiding and a better feeling now prevails for which we all have cause to rejoice. It should indeed be prayer time with the Saints that our sins may be forgiven us, as we have time to reflect upon our course. It is plain that without repentance comes we cannot be justified of the Lord!
The weather is fine for the season of the year. Hay hauling is still going on, and our Lucerne fields are quite green although the foliage on the trees shows Autumn tints. Still our garden is scarcely showing signs of frost.
The farmers are busy ploughing and putting in fall grain. I think more will be sown than ever before in this county. My sons have in 30 acres and 10 acres more ready to sow. My own grain was put in early and Lewis and Woodruff started to school. When I returned from conference in October and it is David and Angus that are at work in the field.
We have had Bro. L. John Nuttall and his daughter with us for a short time. They seem to have the spirit of their work at heart and are doing good among the people when they are organizing the Relief and ward organizations.
Our companies in this Temple are small, while those who come are anxious to perform their duty for their kindred dead. Some coming as much as five hundred miles and returning making a thousand miles travel by train. We have prominent men right here in St. George who have not been in the Temple a half a dozen times and have long lists of ancestors. It is said “As with the priests so with the people.” I believe this to be true.
I was pleased to learn that Prest’s Woodruff and Smith were well. I trust that the Lord will be with you all in these trying times and give you strength to bear the burdens that are upon you.
With kind love I remain as ever your humble brother
David H. Cannon

26th Novr    5
Jas W. Chatterly Esq
Cedar City, Iron Co. Utah
Dear Sir:-
Yours of the 21st inst was duly received. In answer will say that my brand is D-C on the left thigh. I have a dark bay horse running about Iron Springs in your County. He is 4 years old last Spring. He is a full Hamiltonian with long neck, trim build and was a stilvair? when last heard of. 
My son, D.H. Cannon Jr. brands with the same brand on the right thigh and I feel safe in saying that the one you have is his. He is not here but if the horse could be sent down by some of the freighters coming through your City to St. George I would pay in Factory pay the three dollars for driving down and other charges for bringing him down.
Thanking you for the interest taken in this matter. I am
Very respectfully yours,

David H. Cannon

Thursday, March 3, 2016

DHC LETTERBOOK - Letters written in October 1895

There are not many letters this month as David H. had been in Salt Lake City the first half of the month attending General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
If a word is unreadable I put ---. The spelling and grammar mistakes are mostly his. 
Note: "ult" means previous month; "inst" means current month; "prox" means next month. -CBA
19th Oct    5

President Angus M. Cannon
                        My Dear Brother Angus:-
                                    When I arrived at Milford on Tuesday evening I met my son David who was there with two teams. Also R.C. Knell who had come to take us home. Bro. R.C. Lund was there also and wanted me to take his team and buggy home for him. It was at Minersville. I got a chance to come to Minersville the same night so that I got home Thursday evening at 6 PM.
Found Eva still very poorly, although, better than when I left home. The other members of my family are quite well as also Camilla and the children, her babe is a nice little girl.
I was well that I got home when I did for there were two couples here who had come 160 miles to receive endowments and be sealed, one of the Brethren had to return home then be in Salt Lake City to start on a mission to Switzerland and Germany on the 9th November, the only ---ng thing that could be done was to arrange the carpets temporarily and call the workers together and --- them. We are here today and the 4 persons are going through the Temple. They had never seen the notice of our closing. We had to heat water in boilers on the stoves as our furnace was undergoing repairs and would not be ---- use before the 28th inst the time of opening.
           It is nice to be at home again as there is much that requires my attention. The Boys are as good as boys can be, but they lack experience.
            Willie says that she would be glad to have Amanda come and spend the winter with us. We will have plenty of bread and bacon and some potatoes and such as we have. She or any others of the family who would like to come would be welcome to. Our Temple carriage passes the door every morning and when Amanda was able she could accompany Willie to this House. I am satisfied that she would enjoy herself.
            Politics are running high here at the present time and our Brethren are demanded? By many people
            Give my kind love to all our friends to your family and accept the same to yourself. May the Lord bless you.. I am as ever your loving brother
                                    David H. Cannon

22d Oct.    5
58 S. -----
---- City, Utah
                                                Dear Bro. Perkins:-
                                                            Your favor of the 15 inst came duly to hand and although written the same day I left the City, it did not reach me for two days after I got home. I went to the Coop Store on receiving the letter, but Ashby had started to the City that day to attend the Democratic Convention, will be home soon and unless he has sent you the interest I will get him to do so.
            My family are in their usual health and if they knew I was writing would join me in kind regards.
            I have sent word to William, trusting that this may find you all well. I am as ever your brother in the Gospel of peace.
                                                David H. Cannon

31st Oct    5
President John D.T. McAllister
            Manti, Sanpete Co. Utah
                        My Dear Brother McAllister:-
                                    Your welcome favor of the 26th inst is to hand. I assure you I was sorry about this whole affair. I knew of the letter which was sent to you, as a copy was read to me after the original had been sent to you, if it could have recalled, it would have been. I told the Bishop that these people had only been into the temple as visitors and not to labor for the dead. I also quoted Pres. L. Snow to me. Said he, “Bro. Cannon I extend to you the privilege that I feel that you would extend to me, were I to come to the St. George Temple where you preside. To take in any person that you see fit to view the Temple, as I am sure you would not take in any persons that should not be admitted.” I took in several persons who were not recommended in fact I do not know of any recommend that a Bishop could write to allow people to go into a Temple as visitors. A Bishop once sent a person to this House with a recommend as a visitor when at the same time the person had not been endowed. I wrote the Bishop asking that he refrain from giving such papers in the future and he felt insulted at my letter and wrote me to that effect and stated that he had been here when visitors were in the temple. I took the position that when a person was a member of the Church, it took the permit of the President of the Temple to admit him or her to visit the House of the Lord and not a Bishop. As we keep copies of our letters, we submitted the whole subject. His recommends our letter to him, his to me and all to the President of the Church and we were sustained. I write thus that you may see my position in this case.
            Bishop George Jarvis feels bad about the case and regrets having written to you as he did. I also regret it. As I feel that you had a right after Pres. Snow gave you the privilege to do so. To take these persons into the Temple to view it!
I telegraphed you last night Avina’s condition. I called in last night at 10. Could see no change. This morning I called again at 7 AM there appeared to be no changes. I telegraphed you about her wish to be buried in the City. The work Eddie wished me to send you. He tells me he has not received our letters referred to. I called upon David Moss and asked him to see that some members of the family went up and stopped with Eddie until the end comes. Which the Dr. says is not far off. May the Lord bless and comfort you. Give my love to all in which Bro. Bleak joins. I am as ever yours.

                        David H. Cannon