If a word is unreadable I put ---. The spelling and grammar mistakes are mostly his.
Note: "ult" means previous month; "inst" means current month; "prox" means next month. -CBA
19th Oct 5
Angus M. Cannon
My Dear Brother Angus:-
When I
arrived at Milford on Tuesday evening I met my son David who was there with two
teams. Also R.C. Knell who had come to take us home. Bro. R.C. Lund was there
also and wanted me to take his team and buggy home for him. It was at
Minersville. I got a chance to come to Minersville the same night so that I got
home Thursday evening at 6 PM.
Found Eva still very poorly, although, better
than when I left home. The other members of my family are quite well as also
Camilla and the children, her babe is a nice little girl.
I was well that I got home when I did for there
were two couples here who had come 160 miles to receive endowments and be
sealed, one of the Brethren had to return home then be in Salt Lake City to
start on a mission to Switzerland and Germany on the 9th November,
the only ---ng thing that could be done was to arrange the carpets temporarily
and call the workers together and --- them. We are here today and the 4 persons
are going through the Temple. They had never seen the notice of our closing. We
had to heat water in boilers on the stoves as our furnace was undergoing
repairs and would not be ---- use before the 28th inst the time of
is nice to be at home again as there is much that requires my attention. The
Boys are as good as boys can be, but they lack experience.
Willie says that she would be glad
to have Amanda come and spend the winter with us. We will have plenty of bread
and bacon and some potatoes and such as we have. She or any others of the
family who would like to come would be welcome to. Our Temple carriage passes
the door every morning and when Amanda was able she could accompany Willie to
this House. I am satisfied that she would enjoy herself.
Politics are running high here at
the present time and our Brethren are demanded? By many people
Give my kind love to all our friends
to your family and accept the same to yourself. May the Lord bless you.. I am
as ever your loving brother
David H.
22d Oct. 5
S. -----
City, Utah
Bro. Perkins:-
favor of the 15 inst came duly to hand and although written the same day I left
the City, it did not reach me for two days after I got home. I went to the Coop
Store on receiving the letter, but Ashby had started to the City that day to
attend the Democratic Convention, will be home soon and unless he has sent you
the interest I will get him to do so.
My family are in their usual health
and if they knew I was writing would join me in kind regards.
I have sent word to William,
trusting that this may find you all well. I am as ever your brother in the
Gospel of peace.
H. Cannon
31st Oct 5
John D.T. McAllister
Manti, Sanpete Co. Utah
My Dear Brother
Your welcome
favor of the 26th inst is to hand. I assure you I was sorry about
this whole affair. I knew of the letter which was sent to you, as a copy was
read to me after the original had been sent to you, if it could have recalled,
it would have been. I told the Bishop that these people had only been into the
temple as visitors and not to labor for the dead. I also quoted Pres. L. Snow
to me. Said he, “Bro. Cannon I extend to you the privilege that I feel that you
would extend to me, were I to come to the St. George Temple where you preside.
To take in any person that you see fit to view the Temple, as I am sure you
would not take in any persons that should not be admitted.” I took in several
persons who were not recommended in fact I do not know of any recommend that a
Bishop could write to allow people to go into a Temple as visitors. A Bishop
once sent a person to this House with a recommend as a visitor when at the same
time the person had not been endowed. I wrote the Bishop asking that he refrain
from giving such papers in the future and he felt insulted at my letter and
wrote me to that effect and stated that he had been here when visitors were in
the temple. I took the position that when a person was a member of the Church,
it took the permit of the President of the Temple to admit him or her to visit
the House of the Lord and not a Bishop. As we keep copies of our letters, we submitted
the whole subject. His recommends our letter to him, his to me and all to the
President of the Church and we were sustained. I write thus that you may see my
position in this case.
Bishop George Jarvis feels bad about
the case and regrets having written to you as he did. I also regret it. As I
feel that you had a right after Pres. Snow gave you the privilege to do so. To
take these persons into the Temple to view it!
telegraphed you last night Avina’s condition. I called in last night at 10.
Could see no change. This morning I called again at 7 AM there appeared to be
no changes. I telegraphed you about her wish to be buried in the City. The work
Eddie wished me to send you. He tells me he has not received our letters
referred to. I called upon David Moss and asked him to see that some members of
the family went up and stopped with Eddie until the end comes. Which the Dr.
says is not far off. May the Lord bless and comfort you. Give my love to all in
which Bro. Bleak joins. I am as ever yours.
David H. Cannon