Sunday, January 24, 2016

DHC LETTERBOOK - Letters written August 16th through August 28th 1895

If a word is unreadable I put ---. The spelling and grammar mistakes are mostly his. 
Note: "ult" means previous month; "inst" means current month; "prox" means next month. -CBA

(This letter was very smeared)
16th August    5
Elder Samuel Judd
             Laverkin, Washington Co. Utah
                        Dear Brother Judd:-
                                    I have just returned from Pinto, where I went last Saturday to take a sick child to see if it would--- --- --- wasted strength.
R --- --- tells me that he had come across a heifer of yours bearing my brand. I asked him what  he knew about it. He says he seen the ---heifer and put a rope on it and it --- has your  --- --- --- he has –field since he had ch--- --the cattle at the time. The branding ---he (Sainfield) says he branded --- --- such big cows but claims to --- to know nothing about this cow --- (she is 2 years old)
--- --- question is can we arrange things, --- it seems that ---
One of yours with my brand on and one of mine with your Brandon. Can we call it square. I will leave it for you to say. I do not know how my brand came to be on your heifer as I have not been on the range for three years to look after my stock in any form trusting that I may hear from you. I am
                        Very respectfully
                                                David H. Cannon


16th August     5
President John D T McAllister
             Manti Temple Utah
                        My Dear Brother:-
                                    Your welcome favor of the 13th inst is before me, it is as yours ever are welcome I can realize what it is to be from home and receive letters describing the good time enjoyed by the loved ones. So that I can sympathize with George.
             I learned after writing my last to you that I had made a mistake in relation to Bro Woodward’s age, in his 78 and not his 80th as stated.
             I wish I could just pass the basket of grapes to you that our Bro Bennett has just sent in to the office a guess there must be fully ½ a bushel of them and oh so lushous. I will not say more about the grapes fear lest it makes your mouth water. I received a letter from our Clara Knell, written from Cedar City asking me to come to Pinto and bring Rhoda as Susie was accompanying her home to spend a few days. I got ready and went and took Rhoda and 3 youngest children, we had a good time. Left here at 6 AM and reached Pinto at 3 PM Saturday. Attended meeting on Sunday and spoke to the people all seem glad to see me as I had not been there since last October and then not to attend meeting. Sister Alvina is still at Dameron Valley. Edie on the thrasher. I seen Mart yesterday he said all were well there. I have not seen any of the people today. Frank Pendleton is at Pine Valley and I hope better and although he is in a bad fix and liable to go off anytime and may do damage. I trust that the Lord will effect a permanent cure.
             I left Rhoda at Pinto. The rest of my family are well. The weather is warm. All are busy. The workers desire to be kindly remembered to you. Sister Wells has just been in to be administered to as one of her eyes is much swollen. I think she will be better. Bro. Bleak says our Conference is 15 and 16 September. All will give you a hearty welcome. We have just been visited by Wm T Cannon. He is representing some insurance companies. He was with us several days, has gone back.
             The workers all without exception desire to be remembered to you. We will be glad to welcome you to our meetings of all kinds. May the Lord bless you my dear brother.
                        I am as ever yours
                                    David H. Cannon


23d August    5
John Day Esq
             Hamblin Washington Co. Utah
                        Dear Friend John:-
                                    I have seen Sister Snow in relation to the Pinto Hay. She would rather give the Bishop - --- to sell for money if he can! Had I needed the Hay for my own use I could --- got it but to sell to other parties. He would prefer the Church getting the benefit. The hay will therefore be left in the hands of the Bishop to dispose of. I remain with kind regards to yourself and family.
             Very respectfully
                        David H. Cannon

23d August    5
Elder Samuel Judd
             Laverkin, Washington Co. Utah
                        Dear Brother Judd:-
                                    I received yours of the 18th inst. Yesterday. In reply, and to satisfy my own feelings and that no wrong impression may exist between us! I write again – I want to say that I did ac--- --- statement of the facts as --- --- me, in yours of 9th June and that the man that told me about the branding was a friend to you and did not tell me to injure you.
I never doubted for one moment the purity of your motive. I did ask you to give me the money instead of the steer but with a kindly motive as Sinfield had left the county and at the time I had none to look after my cattle, since then I have got R.C. Knell. It was through this that I learned of my brand being on your heifer. I thought that you could look after the steer better than I could. The only thing that I blamed you for in the matter was that you did not tell me of the branding before, yet I regarded this as the result of negligence and not willfulness. I write this that there may be no ill feeling between us as I think you know me well enough to know that if there was anything on my part against you you would be the man I would speak to about it and not first to some one else.
             The Hunts I regard as prejudiced against you possibly because you let your cattle to some one else.
             I can truthfully say that there is no feelings but the best towards you on my part.
                        With kind regards
                                    I remain your brother
                                                In the Gospel
                                                            David H. Cannon


26th August    5
President John D.T. McAllister
             Manti Temple, Sanpete Co. Utah
                        My Dear Brother McAllister:-
                                    Your interesting favor of the 22d inst reached me yesterday. It is nice to hear from those we love and know of their w---. I am sure that we have great reasons to rejoice and give thanks to the Lord for His goodness.
             I am pleased to report Sister Cornelia better. She has been very sick. I called in and administered to her one day last week. She was a sick woman and no mistake. She thought it had been brought on by eating grapes. Sister Alvina has got back. While I have not seen her myself it is reported to me that the chances are against her recovery. However she is in the hands of our good kind Father and He will do all things right. Tempa McA. is waiting upon her. Eddie is still on the Thrasher and I think doing well.
             Bro. William Ivins has laid away his little daughter, was buried on Saturday. She has never recovered from the effect of the accident that befell her on four weeks previous.
             Bro. James McArthur married Miss ---y Oxborrow. I think last October. She has passed through a terrible ordeal. She was taken in labor last Thursday and continued until Friday evening, when the child had to be taken from her with instruments. It as a sad thing. We were sent for when we got out of the Temple and remained until --- operation was over. It was the power of the Lord that --- --- life although the child was sacrificed. The mother’s Faith and courage was wonderful and her strength held out to beat all I ever saw. Poor body it starts the perspiration to think of what she endured. There is not much sickness here at present although the weather keeps warm in the day time but cool at night.
             Speaking of the Dixie Star. I fear it is --- a young Robin the largest when it was born, as I am certain that St. George cannot support a paper of that size it has a patent inside. He will never get from his subscribers what that will cost, however this is to you. I would be the last one to discourage the poor fellow but I am a bit of a judge of what it takes to get out a paper. If he had started half the size he might possible have carried it. The whole thing is done on tick as Jakeman has no money. Bro. Jos Field is here helping him start. I would like it to be a success.
             May the Lord less you and make you adusate? to every ordeal through which you may have to pass. Give my kind love to your loved ones, our friend and accept the same yourself. Believe me to be as ever your brother.
                                    David H. Cannon

27th August    5
President Angus M. Cannon
             Salt Lake City, Utah
                        My Dear Brother Angus:-
                                    Your welcome favor of the 23d inst reached me last night. I was pleased to hear from you, and learn that dear Amanda was better. And that the rest of you were in their usual health.
             In relation to you not answering mine to you at the time I knew the reason you had not done so just as well before you sent me as I did after. I had kept a constant --- to the mining news as reported in the ---. I have been as anxious as a person could be who was not putting up means to hear that you had struck it rich. I would say write me when you can --- --- always pleased to hear from you. The weather has been unusually warm here this summer, although it is moderating now. Nights are pleasant so we can sleep well. Two weeks ago I took Rhoda and her three youngest children to Pinto to visit people. Her youngest boy, Vernon was poorly so I left them there. Lewis and Woodruff went up there on Friday for an out and to bring Rhoda home. I expect them back to day with the above exception my family are all well.
             You have no doubt heard of the marriage of our nephew, Angus C. Woodbury to Miss Diantha Rogers of St. George, daughter of David Rogers. I do not think that he will go wrong while passing through life as the rate at which he moves is slow. He is a good boy. Sister Ann’s children will soon be married of Clara is the only one left single and she has a good prospect. I am --- --- --- the young fellows to begin to cut wood at my place as I have 3 grown daughters however, I am in no hurry!
             I wish that I could pass a basket of grapes to you that has been brought into my office they are raisin grapes and as fine as I ever seen. They have been raised on the Temple grounds. There is more than 50 lbs in the basket.
             The outlook for Dixie is very good. Our crops have been abundant your fancy wheat being sold in St George for fifteen dollars a ton and no market at that price. Speaking of your debts, I am indebted four hundred and fifty dollars. I do not think I have property to bring that if the money had to be raised here. I think it will come but how at present I do not know.
             We have nice companies in this Temple and the Spirit of the Lord is with us, our workers are old that is the brethren, but they are anxious as ever to render the service to the acceptance of the Lord and those for whom they labor.
             Give my kind love to all your folks --- our kindred and accept the same yourself.
I am your humble brother,
                        David H. Cannon

28th August    5
Apostle Abraham H. Cannon
             Salt Lake City, Utah
                        My Dear Abraham:-
                        I have thought since receiving your favor of the 15th inst. And learning how pressed you are for time that it would probably be as well for me to see the individuals who have brought the several pieces of land at tax sales and see if they would relinquish their claims to you for receipt of the cash for costs with 10 percent in trust and by this means save you the trouble of seeing all the original owners which would take you some time to do.
             If you approve of this let me know and I will see to it at onest.
             I have deferred writing you to allow you time to return from your California trip. I trust that everything is progressing satisfactory. With kind regards to you and yours. I remain
             Yours as ever

                        David H. Cannon

Saturday, January 23, 2016

DHC LETTERBOOK - Letters written August 2nd through August 15th 1895

If a word is unreadable I put ---. The spelling and grammar mistakes are mostly his. 
Note: "ult" means previous month; "inst" means current month; "prox" means next month. -CBA

2d August   5
Elder W.C. Spence
             Salt Lake City, Utah
                        My Dear Brother Spence:-
                                    There is a sister here with us who is desirous of returning to the city. She is in very poor circumstances. I do not know if the railroads make a rate for Temple laborers. If anything can be done this is a worthy object.
             The name is Mrs. Belle F. Knell. Our weather is warm, otherwise we have no cause of complaint. The health of the people is good for the season of the ear.
             Trusting that the forgoing will not give you too much trouble and with kind regards. I am as ever
                        Your Brother in the gospel
                                    David H. Cannon
P S The fare is desired from Milford to Salt Lake City

2d August    5
R.C. Knell Esq.
             Pinto, Washington Co. Utah
                        Dear Brother:- 
                                    Yours of 30th ult. Reached me last night. In reply will say that I have written this morning to the City for a special rate for Sister Belle to Salt Lake City. I did not ask for it to return as she wanted to remain until after Conference and the longest time they can grant on a round trip special rate is a month. So that I thought it better to ask for a single fare and then get another single fare to return which can be easily done, if I am up to conference. I can get it for her on some one up there. Bro. R.C. Badger can get it. My family are in their usual health. We have thrashed and had 370 bushels (machine measure) of wheat. Was pleased to learn that little Rhoda was well. I tried to get some shoes to send her when David went north but could not do so as there was none at either the Coop or Woolley Lund and Judds stores and I had no deal at any others. If I have an opportunity before I come will send them yet. The weather is warm here and the last night was a scorcher.
             There is considerable talk of railroad here. I hope that it will assume form and not end in talk as such things have done in times past.
             I was at Virgin City last Sunday. Crops all through Dixie are good although fruit is a failure, that is peaches, at Virgin al---  good at all the settlements this side of there and also above on the river or I am informed that this is the case.
             I think that there never was so much grain raised in this part before yet it is going to be cheap, a man told me the other day that he sold a ton of wheat for $15.00. This is 75 cts for hundred lbs. I would have to be cramped before I could be induced to sell grain at such a rate.
             I see by the papers that the Brethren have returned from Alaska. I hope that Prest. Woodruff’s health is permanently improved. He is an old man and his health will naturally be impaired.
Give my kind regards to your Father and Mother also to your wife and accept the same yourself. Believe me to as
Ever yours, David H. Cannon


5th August   5
President John D.T. McAllister
             Manti Temple, Sanpete Co. Utah
                        My Dear Brother McAllister:-
                                    Your welcome favor of the 29th ult came duly to hand. I always am pleased to receive yours to me as it seems like having a talk with you.
             The weather is very warm and close at present time yesterday the thermometer registered 110 in the shade.
             My family are in their usual health. Yours are also well so far as I know or I should have said excepting Alvina, she sent for me to come and administer to her yesterday. She’s sick, she said that Eddie was going to take her to Dameron Valley last night. Cornelia the children were at meeting yesterday. Annie and Wilford in the choir. All looked well and happy. Our Bro. John L. is still poorly, looks bad. Bro Pimm is well, as also the rest of our workers both male and female.
             I have thrashed the wheat raised by my --- boys Lewis and woodruff. We had of nice clean wheat 462 bushels. Angus and the boys with him raised and thrashed 437 bushels, this is by weight of 60 lbs to the bushel. The boys feel encouraged especially the smaller ones. Of course they have had to cut and haul the hay in addition to attending the grain.
             I took Willie in the buggy and we went to Virgin City a week ago last Saturday attended meeting with the people Sunday returned home Monday. We had a good time. I intend to go to Pinto either next Saturday or one week from then if all is well. I have not been up there since last fall. Clara is away at beaver attend the summer school. My going will depend on her return as I want her to be home when I go as it will take Rhoda with me and I would like them to have a little visit.
             Bro. Ivins is at home and was at meeting yesterday I think the first time in two months. Our Sister Ivins is failing, but she is old 79 years in fact most of our workers are along in years. Bro Fawcett in his 81st year, Bro Bigler in his 80 year, Bro Pimm 80 AP Winsor 77. C.A. Terry 75, Geo Woodward 80 John L Smith 67 (“but the oldest of them all”)
             Frank Pendleton is bad again, poor boy. Our 24th was a success the dinner and all, everything passed off nicely. In the evening while the people were together enjoying themselves Sister Booth and some other Sisters came in with their Handcarts. They had their little children along; pulled up under the trees while some got supper at the camp fire others fixed the beds, while one sunburnt maiden got her guitar and sang and played. You would have thought you were on the plains it was so natural.
             May the Lord bless you and yours Kind love to all I am as ever yours,
David H. Cannon


7th August   5
Bishop Robert Knell
            Pinto, Washington Co. Utah
                        Dear Bro. Knell:-
                                    I had fully intended to have visited you ere this, but circumstances over which I had no control prevented me from doing so. Last week was our regular High council and next Saturday is the Quarterly Board Meeting of the Factory to be held at the factory and I must attend that meeting. I had fully intended being with you. The health of the family is good although I fancy that our little Vernon is not so well yesterday.
            Everybody are busy and it seems to me that there is plenty for as m--- people to do, if we had the m--- people. The weather is very warm, the thermometer stood on Sunday 110 degrees Monday 112 --- Tuesday 109, this will give you an -------- we are having in the shape of warm weather.
            Many people have been away to Panguitch Lake and other places and most have returned home to suffer more than as if they had never been away, as the weather is so much warmer than when they left home. We have plenty of grapes on the Temple grounds now Bro Bennet has sent me up a nice basket full on 3 different occasions and they are beautiful. Melons and fruit are in season now. Tomatoes I fear is not going to do well, so many vines are dying from some cause
            I get word that we will have some of the Apostles with us at our September Conference and that Bro. Lyman will visit the Muddy and others of our settlements in Nevada.
            There is a pretty good feeling among our people at the present time, which is likely soon to change as the political pot is beginning to boil.
            Please say to Belle that I will see that the word from the City is got to her as soon as it comes here. I asked that it be sent to Pinto as well as to me, but will send it from here to make sure. Love to all from all, not forgetting my little Rhoda. I am as ever.
David H. Cannon

14th August   5
Elder O.H. Berg
             Provo City, Utah Co. Utah
                        Dear Brother:-
                                    Yours of the 5th inst came duly to hand and its contents noted. In reply will say that I have placed the letter in the hand of our chief recorder with instructions to send you a full transcript of the work done by yourself, Sister Berg and your daughter.
             We are here to serve the people and it affords us pleasure to do anything in our power for them.
             Trusting that yourself and family are well and with kind regards.
             I remain your
                        Brother in the Gospel
                                    David H. Cannon

14th August    5
Sister Mary D. Fuller
             Pine, Gila Co. Arizona
                        Dear Sister Fuller:-
                                    Your favor of the 18th ult reached me several days since. I have deferred answering until now, trying to see what I could by of way of selling the north half of the Lot. I have tried diligently and the best offer that I have received is one hundred and seventy five dollars cash. Sister Whipple has sold the south half of her lot to the Ashbys for one hundred seventy five dollars, it had a good foundation for a two roomed house on it at the time. One hundred dollars was cash and seventy five horned stock. This is --- when your place is offered. I would not sell for that unless I was obliged to, as I think this property will be higher. This is only my opinion.
In relation to the taxes I rented the place to Brig Woolfenstejn, he went out west and has not returned but he arranged for the taxes with the assessor and is responsible for them, and I will see that they are all paid. The balance of the rest that he owes is to be in something that will put a new fence on the lot. The house has been vacant since the last of March I would have had them get out sooner but expected him home every day. There is talk of a railroad coming through St. George, just as soon as this becomes a sure thing, property will come up so that if I were you I would wait unless as I said I was obliged to sell in order t get money. I told the man who made the offer that I would write you but I was satisfied that you would not take it. Times are the closest here for many --- --- have ever seen during my residence in this county 33 years.
             With kind regards to yourself and Bro. Fuller as also the family.
                        I remain very respectfully
                                    Your Brother
                                                David H. Cannon


15th August    5
John R. Murdock Esq
             Beaver City, Utah
                        Dear Sir:-
                                    Yours of 9th inst is to hand and contents noted. I wish to say that I can not and do not expect to be actively engaged in Politics during the approaching struggle. I consider a man holding the position ecclesiastical that I hold should let politics alone.
             I consider Presley Denny a good man and were I working he would get my strongest support for the position of District Judge. Personally he is a friend of mine and I believe him to be thoroughly competent.
             This county is considered to be the hot bed of Democracy but if it was well handled by able Republicans, there would be a heavy vote for the party at the coming election and in a short time would become a Republican county! As I tell you my position would preclude the possibility of me doing anything publically in politics.
             I will state that my sons and daughters as also the rest of my family are republicans, and so ar as they can do so are expecting to vote that ticket.
             The weather is warm, the health of the people is good for the season of the year.
                        With kind regards,
                                    I am
                                                Very respectfully
                                                                        David H. Cannon


15th August    5
Bishop Robt Knell
             Pinto, Washington Co. Utah
                        Dear Brother:-
                                    Enclosed please find 3 checks on Wells Fargo Bank for 26 dollars each being 60 percent on your C--- C--- stock which will be followed by another payment in a few days. The present checks being 3 payments of 20 per cent each.
             All is well with us, the weather is warm. All send love to all.
                        I am as ever

                                                David H. Cannon


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

DHC LETTERBOOK - Letters written July 23 to July 31 in 1895

Here are the rest of the July 1895 letters written by David H. Cannon.


If a word is unreadable I put ---. The spelling and grammar mistakes are mostly his. 
Note: "ult" means previous month; "inst" means current month; "prox" means next month. -CBA

23d July   5
President John D.T. McAllister
                        Manti Temple Sanpete Co. Utah         
                                                My Dear Brother McAllister:-
                                                                        Your kind favor of 14th inst reached me last Thursday. I was pleased to receive it. As I always am [glad] to hear from you. Everything is moving as usual with us as a people, and I think the health is generally good save a few cases of summer complaint amongst the children. Bro Hiram Prisbrey lost a little girl last week, she was about 2 years old, to make it worse the mother was confined of a son the day previous to the death of the little girl. Another thing the family are in very poor circumstance. I sent over to see how Sister Cornelia is and they send me word that the family are well. Nelly A. McAllister from Kanab is in town, so I am told. Come to bring Annie home. Bro John L. Smith was with us last week, but is not here again today. He is failing quite fast. My own health has been quite poor most of the time for several weeks, although I am in good health at present.
             We attended to baptisms yesterday (Monday) will close tomorrow to give all an opportunity to celebrate Pioneer day. There is a fine programme prepared which will be rendered in the Tabernacle, dinner for Pioneers and Battalion together with all above 60 years of age, with out regard to their religious ---.
             I made some investigation in regard to the destroyed garden and found from disinterested parties that the garden had not been destroyed but was as good as usual some things are a failure in all gardens this season. David says that there has not been an animal of his on the place this season to his knowledge of this he is willing to be qualified. He says his cow has tied up by the head except the night that it was said she had been in that lot. She had got away from the herder and went down to Atkinville. George Lytle I am told seen Foster’s cow in the lot but not destroy to exceed 4 hills of corn as she was taken out at onest. The out side fence was down.
             People are busy Thrashing. My sons are Thrashing in the Washington filed today. We will do so here on Friday if everything goes as expected. I see that your son Eddie is working on one of the Thrashing machines. We have four running in the city or in the vicinity of the City today.
             Talk of Railroad increases, the company has paid Mr. Moore, Engineer who surveyed a line through this city several years ago $450 for his field notes and they furnish him a typewriter to do the work for him so that this looks like business.
             We expect if approved by the Brethren to close this Temple on the evening of the 27th September and will extend to you a harty welcome whenever you please to come down. Give my kind regards to the Brethren and Sisters who are with ou and accept the same to yourself and loved ones. May the Lord bless you. I am as ever your fellow laborer and brother.
David H. Cannon

30th July   5
Apostle Abraham H. Cannon
             Salt Lake City, Utah
                        I left here last Saturday morning to fill a missionary appointment at Virgin City on Sunday.  And on reaching home last night found your welcome favor of the 23rd inst. I am sorry that you could not see your way clear to make the purchase of the St. George property. If you desire to do so. If it was in my power to --- better terms on it I would be glad to do so but it being an estate, there are rules by which I must be p--cessed
             In relation to the lots to which have been sold for taxes, it will be necessary – the authority to redeem them from – owners or some representative of the owner. As the persons who bid them in at the Tax sale would retain them, only the Law gives the owners the right to reclaim them within a given times. Hence the necessity of having their order.
             While these parties would like to retain possession of them the law says they may be redeemed by the owners.
             The assessor promised to get me out the exact amount that would be due on each lot including interest and cost. He has not done so but says he will soon, when he does I will forward it to you.
             You might see for --- one who would like to purchase the place that I have for sale here in the City, if so, be kind enough to let me know their name, as I fear that I will not be able to find a purchaser here for want of money.
             My little son is better and the rest of my family are in their usual health.
             Give my love to your family and accept the same yourself. I remain as ever yours
David H. Cannon

31st July   5
Elder Wm A Posey
             Thatcher, Arizona
                        Dear Brother Posey:-
                                    Yours of the 14th inst containing Ten dollars, Temple donation was received several days since, but owing to a press of other business has not been answered since. The Money was placed to your credit upon our Free will offering Book.
             I was pleased to learn that you had arrived at home in safely and that all were well with you.
             Our companies keep up very well in this Temple, considering the busy season of the year.
             My family are in their usual health and would join with me in kind regards to yourself and family if they knew I was writing. Remember me kindly to Prest. Layton when you see him. I am your brother in the new and ever lasting covenant.
David H. Cannon

31st July   5
Prest Angus M. Cannon.        
             Salt Lake City, Utah.
                        My Dear Brother Angus:-
                                    As I have leisure I avail myself of the opportunity of writing you.
             Our sister, Leonora came down last night and accompanied me to Josephine’s to supper. Where we had a nice visit. It is the first time I have seen her for a year. She is looking well and is accompanied by her daughter, Rhoda and brought her son, Angus to drive the team. The occasion of her coming is, so I am informed to attend the wedding reception of her nephew, Angus C. Woodbury. Who is to be married to day at 12 M. The happy Lady being a Miss Dianthy Rodgers, daughter of David Rodgers of this place. At whose house the reception is to take place, they speak of her as a nice young Lady, hope they will be happy.
             On Tuesday last week Willie and Josephine went to the field to cook for the Thrashers who were Thrashing for Angus and his portion and did not get home until Wednesday night and on Friday the machine came to our place they thrashed 370 bushels (machine measure) of wheat for me and by the time this was done the girls were tired. I took Willie and we went to Virgin City on Saturday where we attended meeting on Sunday, returning home on Monday night both being benefited by the trip.
             My little sons, Louis and Woodruff are now busy plowing and getting ready to put in their fall grains. We have not put in stubble corn this season, but will let the land rest until the last of September when we will sow the grains. I feel proud of the efforts of my young farmers, I should have said that Angus and his pastures had 350 bus. wheat (machine measure) by weight our grain (370) bushels would have been 462 bushels of 60 lbs to the bushel.
             The weather is unusually warm and all feel it. Our companies are not large, still fair for this busy season of the year. Our sealings amount to considerable that is children to parent and couples as husbands and wives. My family are well at present. My own health is not good nor has it been much of the time since my return from the City. I feel that I am getting to be an old man. Give my love to all your folks and accept the same to yourself in which to Bro G—
             I am as ever –

David H. Cannon

Sunday, January 17, 2016

DHC LETTERBOOK - Letters written July 5 to July 19th in 1895

I was only able to type a few letters this week but I am posting those...CBA


If a word is unreadable I put ---. The spelling and grammar mistakes are mostly his. 
Note: "ult" means previous month; "inst" means current month; "prox" means next month. -CBA

1st July  5
Bishop Robert Knell.
Pinto, Washington Co. Utah

Dear Bro. Knell: -
We received a letter from our little daughter Rhoda the other day, and Eva received a nice letter from you a few days previous to that. Fearing that neither had been answered I thought that I would write you a few lines.
We are attending to Baptisms to- --. Thursday is the 4th we will – today so that all may have a chance to celebrate. Our companies have kept up remarkably well for this season of the year. We -Baptisms in the month of June 557, Endowments 353, Ordinations –2, Sealings 1340, children to Parents 1443 Second An’ting 2  making 1342 ordinances for this month, which is very much more than we have had in – months of June for many years.
The Boys are busy hauling what we – stacking it on Rhoda’s lot and --- --- there. There is considerable shru--- but there is a good yield and the – larger tan ever before.
The little boy Vernon is quite poor as also Raymond. Wilhelmina is frail? more this summer than she has some time. I am anxious about her, the rest of the family are in their usual health.
We had the pleasure of uniting in marr- Geo. E. Miles and Victoria Josephine Jarvis, yester- (Sunday) evening. I hope they will be happy. –
The Dr says that – Bro. Milne cannot live much longer. He looks bad, fam- never visit him.
I hope that Rhoda will be a good girl with you and be obedient. The children miss her. Walter feels that he ought to see his grand pa as well as the rest.
I thought that if I got time and the boys are not too busy with the team I would slip up some Saturday and return on Monday. I cannot do so next Saturday we have a c--- before the High Council appealed from Washin—
Remember us to the family as with –ll were mentioned in which the family would join if they knew I was writing. – have just finished baptizing 354 dead 2 first an- today! I am glad to hear of mothers improves – day.  – nd g—to see her walking without  a—
May the Lord bless you all. I am as—your brother in the gospel.   David H. Cannon

(words are missing along the margins)


11th July   5
Apostle Abraham H. Cannon
Salt Lake City, Utah

My Dear Abraham: -
Your kind favor of the 5th inst was duly received. I have been very poorly or should have answered it at once. I am now better.
In relation to the St. George property referred to in yours, will say that --- person that he could have the vacant piece of land with the water for two hundred dollars and I gave him this month to raise the money, which if he does not do you can have the two places as we talked for - thousand dollars. The improved p--- you can have for eight hundred. - the dimensions are 16 rods square of land containing house, with a detached cellar. Also granary with cellar under it, a barn and o?? out houses. This piece of land contained 2 of our St George City lots and has two water shares that is one for each lot. If you conclude to take this place. I wish you would telegraph me at my expense.
There are many persons here who would be glad to purchase the property but cannot get the cash. It belongs to an estate and cannot be sold for anything but cash.
I will say in regard to the land that I have given the option on! That I think the party will get the money. Your letter has stirred him up. I would like him to have it.
-- relation to the lots near the Temple I will get the names of the parties who had – there and allowed them to be sold. I will --- --- --t I may not be able to do so before next Saturday.
--- --- the child that is ailing. The --- --- family are in their usual health. I hope that you may be prospered in RailRoad matters as well as all other undertakings and with kind love to yourself and family.
I am as ever Yours
David H. Cannon


17th July   5
Apostle Abraham H. Cannon
Salt Lake City, Utah

My --- --- --ham:-
I told you that I would furnish you the information desired about the lots owned by the sundrie individuals in the close proximity to this Temple and who had allowed the same to be sold for taxes. The information desired I have now got and inclose which I trust will be satisfactory to you. There are two blocks of ground set apart for Temple – one the Temple stands on the other is to the East of the Temple Block and joining the lots and blocks are joining or on blocks joining this Temple property and will, if not today, be valuable.
This property can be redeemed at what it was sold for with costs and interest on the money. With kind regards to yourself and family I am as ever yours,
David H. Cannon


19th July   5
Bishop Robt. Knell
Pinto, Washington Co. Utah
Dear Brother Knell:-
I received your welcome favor of the 15th inst last night. We were pleased to hear from you and learn that all were well. It must have been refreshing to you to know that Mother was able to attend the meetings of the 4 you cannot tell the satisfaction it gave us to hear of it.
The family are quite well, our little Vernon is cross and requires much care. This comes of him having been so sick.
The health of the people is tolerable good. Frank Pendleton has lost his mind and is in a precarious condition, it may be necessary to send him to the asylum. It is a great trial to his young wife.
You ask about the potatoes, Rhoda says hers are the best she has ever had but they would not be considered a good crop at Pinto. The rest of the family have potatoes and do not complain so that I suppose them to be fair.
The Boys are busy in their Hay. When it is all up I will have the Thrashing done, we have lots of straw and are in hopes of having some grain.
Everybody are thinking of Railroad here. We think the projectors of the Road are in earnest. They have paid Moore, the man who surveyed a road through here a few years ago four hundred and fifty dollars for his field notes. This expenditure of means is more than anything that has been done previous to this time and looks as though they were in earnest.
I bought 20 Acres of land in the Washington field and have given David and Angus each ten acres in my Price enclosure. I have not done anything towards my Hay pasture yet more than to get the posts and dig the holes. The reason it has not been finished is that it shuts the stock in the pasture from the water. I will have to arrange some plan to overcome this difficulty.
I received a nice letter from Bro. McA at Manti last night. They are getting along nicely. That place has not become to him, as St. George yet, and perhaps never will. It is nice where we can do so to feel at home where duty calls us.
I get frequent word from the City. The Brethren are in Alaska and will not be in the City until the last of the month. The President’s health is much improved. This is the object sought in their trip. The President was better just as soon as he reached the coast. His ailment was something like asthma.
I wrote to you in my last that I intended to visit you. The opportunity to do so has not been afforded me as yet. Next Sunday I am to be at the Clara and the Sunday following at Virgin city. Bro. Samuel Miles is my companion at the latter place. I will take one of the folks with me if the little boy keeps well. I think of taking him and his ma.
Our 4th was observed in good style. A programme in the day was good and well rendered. We had a funeral on the morning, a grandchild of Bro. Bleak’s buried at 8 A.M. The 24th will be observed when a good time is anticipated. There will be a theatre and dance both in the evening. The former in the old H- the latter in the New Ha- (smeared words) people will dance no matter how warm the weather. I do not blame them that. I know of as I remember when I would rather go to a dance than do anything else that could be thought of.
I see by the papers that the political pot is beginning to boil. I trust that some people will not go crazy. Or do that for which they will need to repent after the Election is over. We go to such extremes that reason forsakes many of us. Our gentile friends say that we beat anything they ever experienced before coming amongst us.
I am pleased to hear that Clara has taken an out. Aside from the information that she will receive, the trip will be good for her as she will be brought in contact with other people. This thing of our girls always being at the same place I am opposed to as I think they should see other people.
Times are as usual in St. George still dull no money stirring, still our crops are good and people prepared to take care of themselves and wear homemade clothes.
The companies are good in the Temple for the time of the year. Everybody is busy who care to work, yet spare a portion of time to come here and labor for their dead.
My family would all join me in love to you all if they knew that I was writing. Give our regards to all not forgetting my little daughter, Rhoda. I am as ever –s
David H. Cannon


Saturday, January 9, 2016

DHC LETTERBOOK - Letters written in June 1895

If a word is unreadable I put ---. The spelling and grammar mistakes are mostly his. 
Note: "ult" means previous month; "inst" means current month; "prox" means next month. -CBA

1st June     5

President Angus M. Cannon
Salt Lake City, Utah

My Dear Brother Angus:-

Your welcome favor of the 28th ult reached me last night. I was pleased to receive it as I had seen by the Herald an a/c of the men striking the ore body in your mine. I do not think that you could have been more pleased than I was. You may judge of the anxiety with which I awaited news from you. I do from my heart say thank the Lord and trust that when I next see you that the care worn look that your countenance was when I last saw you may be gone.
We have been having terrible wind storms and some rain the last few days, the weather looks more settled this A.M.
My family are in their usual health. As also the people of our quiet town.
I am pleased to learn of the new grandson and trust that he may lived to be a great blessing and comfort to his parents. Give Mina our love and blessing.
I hope that George may have a successful trip East. I believe this is his first trip, am I right?
I would be glad to know that the Utah Company were successful in their endeavors, as I am satisfied that it is the welfare of the people that they are seeking and to open avenues for to give labor to the unemployed of our people. The Lord I feel will open the way for all who are laboring for to accomplish this object.
This is the day our High Council meets at 10 AM. I must close as it is now about that time, will say however that our companies are increasing. We had over 1 hundred more endowments and an equal number more in all other ordinances the last month than we had in May last year. May the Lord bless and prosper you. Kind love to all your loved ones. I am your humble brother, David H. Cannon


3” June    5

Elder Samuel Judd
Le Verkin, Washington Co. Utah

Dear Bro Judd:

I wrote to Bro. George Coleman, who has charge of your stock, asking him if you had authorized him to turn me over a two year old steer in lieu of a calf that you had marked of mine in mistake two years ago. And that if you had done so to be kind enough to sell it for me and send me the money. (I had been told by Bro. Sinfield, who had charge of my cattle, that you had done so)
Bro. Coleman sends me word that he had not been authorized to turn me over a steer but he had sold your steers and would forward the means to you and that I had better make my application to you direct. If therefore you would kindly forward me the fourteen dollars ($14.00) in money you will greatly oblige me.

I remain
your Bro in the Gospel

David H. Cannon

4th June     5

Elder George J Taylor
Salt Lake City, Utah

Dear Cousin:-

Your kind favor of the 31st ult is to hand and contents noted. In reply will say that I have seen Bro. Cha's Smith in relation as to that burial lot of which we had previously spoken. He says that if Brother Mathews paid for the burial lot that he (Mathews) has been burying in, then it is not the same lot that you have reference to, as he (Smith) never sold his lot but gave Mathews the privilege of using it.
Bro. Smith says for you to examine the records and see if the lot that you want is in his name. If it is get the transfers made over and forward to me and he will execute a title to you. In relation to the ----- you can send him what your judgement says is right as he has no use for the lot.
“The Manxman,” reached me last night, accept our thanks. Do not feel that you are under obligation to me for anything that I have or can do in relation to the matter of the burial lot as I am much interested in the same and anything that I can do to assist I will do with great pleasure. Your mother was my Father's sister and your Father one of the best friends I ever had.
My family are in their usual health. With kind regards
I am as ever
Yours in the covenant

David H. Cannon

4th June     5

Elder John Martin
Rockport, Summit Co. Utah

Dear Bro:-

Your favor of recent date making inquiry about the Probest work was received all right. I placed the same in the hands of our recorder, to have the matter looked up and the information forwarded to you at onest.

I am very

David H. Cannon

4th June     5

Miss Eva Cannon
Pinto, Washington Co. Utah

My Dear Daughter – As I am here waiting for some parties I thought I would write you. The family are in their usual health. The weather is becoming settled and warm. Things in general are assuming a normal condition after the peculiar conditions that have prevailed. We are informed that the late heavy winds which prevailed previous to your leaving home, for a few days, have blighted the grains particularly is this the case in the Washington Field. In some instances I am informed amounting to half the crop.
I took your Ma, Vernon, Clara and Walter. We went to the field to examine our wheat found to our joy that it had not suffered from blight as described.
Woodruff and Lewis were busy with the hay. Angus is at work with his hay in the Washington Field and David I believe is putting in corn over there. The 1st cutting of hay is nearly over, the crop being unusually heavy.
I saw by the papers last week that your Uncle Angus had struck it rich in his mine in the Mercer Mining district. This I paid but little attention to at the time. I however, received a letter from him on Friday last, in which he says he is perfectly satisfied with his find and that he can meet and discharge every obligation that is upon him! You know that I take but little stock in this kind of thing. I know something about gold when it is coined but a gold prospect is a poor thing to spend money on at least. There is one thing of which I am sure and that is that there has been more money spent on mines and mining operations in this territory than has ever been taken out of the mines. Of course a few men have made it but see the thousands who have ruined themselves and others, it is an uncertain business at best.
Your mother will be glad when the  time for your return comes as the babe is fretful, cutting his teeth. She needs your help.
Give our kind love to the folks and accept the same yourself. May the Lord bless you my dear child. I am as ever your loving father.   David H. Cannon

5th June     5

R.C. Lund Esq
Salt Lake City, Utah

Dear Bro:-

I deferred writing to Bro. Geo. Q. until now as I got word that he would be gone from home about this length of time.
I called his attention to the subject of which we were speaking with a request that should he see you - that he have a talk with you.
The weather is fine at the pres--- although I was informed that much? Damage has come to the farmers in that from one third to one half of the grain has been destroyed. I trust that it is not as bad as reported.
The health of the people is good and everything seems prosperous.
With kind regards I am as ever yours respectfully
David H. Cannon

5th June     5

President George Q. Cannon
Salt Lake City, Utah

My Dear Brother George Q.:-

Before Bro. Robert C. Lund left St. George for Salt Lake he had been south. In conversation with Bro Lund I was struck with the description given by him of the Las Vegas Ranch and the improvements which have been made since the place was vacated by our people.
From what Bro Lund says I regard the place as a key to the country southwest of us.
I wish if you see Bro Lund you would have a talk with him in relation to the subject and see how you are impressed in relation to the matter.
The weather has turned out warm after our late storms of wind and rain. I am told that the farms blighted from one third to one half the grain in some of our fields. Notable so in the Washington field. The heads of the grain seem to be dried up so that you can rub them in your hands and blow the whole away. The grain was in bloom when it was struck by wind. I have not seen the effect of this myself but am informed that this is the case.
The health of my family is as good as usual. My own health is much improved.
I trust that your eastern trip has been both pleasant and prosperous and that your health as well as your loved ones is quite good.
Give my love to Prests Woodruff and Smith, to your family and accept the same yourself. I remain your humble brother.

David H. Cannon

12th June     5

President John D.T. McAllister
Manti, Sanpete Co. Utah

My Dear Brother McAllister:-

I received your welcome favor of the 4th inst. On 7th. I was pleased to hear from you and learn of your welfare. That word from Prest. Lund in relation to the dead and the labors to be performed in the house of the Lord for them. What a blessed privilege! How great the mercy of the Lord!
Everything looks beautiful here at present. Abraham H. Cannon arrived with some railroad men last night. They are examining the country with a view of building a railway through. They have been looking over the Coal and Iron field of Iron County and are now going south from here. A.H. Says that the Brethren wanted me to accompany them from here and that a letter to that effect was to have been written to me last Saturday it has not arrived.
I have just received an invitation to attend a wedding reception at the residence of Sister Nixon. The occasion being in honor of the marriage of her daughter Josephine to Erastus G. Whitehead which took place yesterday in this Temple.
We are in the midst of our harvest. The grain is ripening faster than it can be cut, everyone is rejoicing at the prospect of an abundant harvest.
Sister Cornelia is well I believe. I met Grace who gave me this information the rest of your family are about as usual.
My own family are in their usual health although my son's wife has been quite sick but is better now although very weak.
A Dispatch has just reached me from Prest. Woodruff asking me to accompany the gentlemen mentioned so I must away.
Remember me kindly to your co-laborers, to your folks and our friends,
I am as ever your
David H. Cannon


P.S. If you buy, you will
 only have to pay for the 16
acres. While the deed will call
for 20 acres, but only 16 shares
of water. Let me hear from
you soon, as your visit has cre-
ated a demand for land

19th June     5

--- Abraham H.Cannon
---- ---- City, Utah

Dear Abraham: The piece of land that we went to examine that we called the Town site in the Washington field. I have since learned that ---- ---- Directors have decided not to sell. I ha-- ---ded to take the 20 acres joining that which ---- Lund had reserved for himself, if I can raise the where-with to make --- payment. I accompanied Isaac C. Macfarlane over to the field last ---y to select a piece for you, in case you conclude to make a purchase. The piece which I have looked at is north of the Town site. The soil is of a better quality, I think, than the latter, but has more of an slope which is to the West. The piece selected contains but 16 acres that the water can be got onto.
I write you that you may know how the matter is before you sent the means to make the purchase.
With love to yourself and family. I remain as ever yours

David H. Cannon

22” June     5.

Samuel Judd Esq
Le Verkin, Utah
Dear Bro:-
Yours of the 9” inst. Is to hand and the contents noted. In reply will say that on the 15” July 1893 I arrived at Pinto. As I approached the town a cattleman, not living there, told me that you had branded one of my calves – that in separating the stock at Holt's to take to your corral to brand. The calf had been cut out as yours as the marks are nearly alike. Amos and Elias Hunt were down to our late conference. I showed them your letter, they deny having been told to vent a brand on the calf or any knowledge of the affair. As I told you in mine of the 3d inst. I wrote to Coleman to see if he had been authorized to turn me out a steer. He says he had not but that he knew you had branded one of my steers when a calf, but that he had not been authorized to fix the matter. Now, to have the brand vented on one of your --- cattle and it turned onto the range, would not suit me at all as I have no person there to receive stock for me. If, therefore, you will kindly send me the price of the steer, fourteen dollars, I will be greatly obliged.

I am very respectfully
David H. Cannon


24th June     5
President John D.T. McAllister
Manti Temple
My Dear Brother McAllister.-

Your welcome favor of 19th inst. reached me on the 22d. It does me good to hear from you and learn of your welfare and that all is prosperous. How nice to be surrounded with friends, and the hope the gospel implants in our hearts growing brighter! We can be separated from friend and loved ones, go on eternally laboring to bring about His purposes and have joy in our labors.
Abraham and companions left St. George on Friday at 4 A.M. Preceding our conference. I was sorry. A.H. Said “he was not his own master but came to do the bidding of those who sent him.” I accompanied them through this country for two days but did not go south as they said they were prepared to report on this as the route. This -an Meyers is an agreeable gentleman, [3 words unreadable] he is here to represent the capitalists of St. Louis and is said to be possessed of 3 millions in his own rights.
Our harvest is well along and notwithstanding the good appearance of our grain crop, there will be a good deal of shrunk wheat.
Your people are pretty well as far as I know. I seen Cornelia on Saturday, all was right well then. My daughter in law is well again for which I am thankful. Our weather is warm and on nights has been beautiful until the last two which have --- very warm. Although everybody are so busy, hardly finding time to eat. Still the --- of the people is good. There have been cattle? --- --- --- have had st--- to --- --- hay --- a little money although price --- ---.
Mart is down at the Muddy at --- so I- informed. I do not hear anything about the ---py event to which we all look forward to ---- between him and Clara but this we can say we will be glad to see you down and rather than miss you, I would be willing to marr? if it were possible. Our conference went along nicely and notwithstanding we had none of the general authorities with us. We had a time long to be remembered and we were fed with the bread of life. Our companies are good for the time of the year and the Lord is with us by His spirit. May the Lord bless you, my dear brother with ---- to you all.
I am as ever you-- ---   David H. Cannon


25th June     5
Bishop W.D. Robinson
American Fork, Utah

Dear Cousin:-

It is a long time since I heard from you. I believe you owe me a letter. We are having warm weather. Our grain is sh--- the yield will be good. The quality not so good. Every body is busy, time as usual dull with no prospect of a change in the near future.
The health of my family is good at present. In fact there is little or no sickness here. Everybody seems to be happy.
Abraham H. Cannon and a man by the name of Meyers were here looking over the country and its resources, with a visit to the construction of a railroad. There were favorably impressed with the country and I expect when they make their reports to the company they represent that it will be a favorable report. A railroad would give us advantages that we do not enjoy at present. While it would be the means of bringing us in contact with a class of people that would not be so desireable. If it is right it will come if not all right.
Our companies are larger than at the same time of the year last season and I believe the spirit of the work is increasing in the hearts of the people. It would be nice to see the House filled to its utmost capacity. I think it will be onest we have rilway? Communication. Until then they will be small.
I am thankful to see that Angus's prospects are improving. I trust to see him out of his difficulty. Give our kind regards to the family. And accept the same yourself. Believe me to be as ever

David H. Cannon

27th June     5

President Angus M. Cannon
Salt Lake City, Utah

My Dear Brother Angus:-
I see by the papers that you are still being encouraged in your ventures in the South West. I am pleased to note all these notices and trust that you may still be prospered. The property which you have Bonded will help you if they are successful and this am--- will be a blessing to you. It seems that a sale, if the same be an advantageous one, is better than work-- it yourself, investing the proceeds in some legitimate business. I am not offering this as a suggestion to you, but as my idea, you of course know what is best for you.
We are having warm weather last night being the warmest thus far this season.
We are tolerably well at present. Willie is complaining some but I think the heat has much to do with it. Also Rhoda's youngest boy, Vernon is poorly. With these exceptions the family are right well. Fruit is coming on and the people eat possibly more than they should which I think hurts them.
Our companies in this House are good for the season oof the year, with a prospect of increase today we have 30 dead and 3 living endowments with other work in proportion, which for this Temple is tolerable good.
I trust that Amanda is quite recovered from her recent sickness and that the rest of your family are in their usual health. Give them my kind regards, in which mine would join if they knew I was writing.
May the Lord bless and prosper you my dear Brother, accept my love in which Bro Bleak joins.

I am your loving brother
David H. Cannon


29th June     5

Sister Alice Isom
Virgin City, Utah

Dear Sister Isom:-

Your favor of the 27th inst is to hand. In answer to your question in reference to your children, George and Katie receiving their endowments I would say that I think it a good thing for our children when they are ready to receive the blessings of the Gospel! Of course I should impress upon them the responsibility that they would assume in going through the temple. My own daughters received their endowments after they passed their 16th birthday. That is Amanda (now dead) Mina, Nora; Eva has not had hers yet although past 17 years, but will soon.
Sister Cannon is poorly this summer the rest of my family are in their usual health. With kind regards to yourself and family.

I am your Brother in the gospel,

David H. Cannon