Saturday, January 2, 2016

DHC LETTERBOOK - Letters written in May 1895

If a word is unreadable I put ---. The spelling and grammar mistakes are mostly his.
Note: "ult" means previous month; "inst" means current month; "prox" means next month. -CBA

8th May     5
President John D.T. McAllister
            Manti Temple, Sanpete Co.

My Dear Brother McAllister-
            Your kind favor of this 2d inst came to hand on the 5th inst. I was pleased to receive it although I was just getting up from a severe spell of sickness, it was receiving a visit from a friend, as I could fancy you talking as I read your letter.
            Since my last to you we have been having some visitations of Providence since --ing last to you. On the 26 ult the Price Dam went out and at about the same time Martin Larson's house took fire and burned up with nearly everything in it, the family were out when the fire started, the neighbors broke the door down and saved a very few things, he had just got a new harness, it went with the rest as it was in the building. You will remember them at Bloomington. Word just c---- -- us to the effect that Bro Wm H. Carpenter died this morning, so that another faithful man has been taken home, he has been a great sufferer for some time and he has desired to be released, he has at last been granted his desire.
            We have Marshal Nat M. Brigham and his wife with us in St. George, where they arrived a-- ago last Saturday, the object of their visit is --- to be in the interest of the latters health and adaptation for the former they expect to be here two weeks longer, they brought a letter of introduction to me. I called upon them at Sister Snows. They have called upon me 2 or 3 times since.
            Yesterday I got up a dinner at which I had Prest McAllister and wife, Marshal and Mrs Brigham, Bro and Sister Bleak, Judge and Mrs. Daggett. R.C. Lund and; wife, Thos Judd and wife and Mollie, Mrs A.W. Ivins and Aunt Anna L. Ivins, Sister Libbie Snow and Martie, Judge and Mrs. Woolley and Jas Andrus and folks were also invited but they were all prevented from attending through a press of other business. We had a good time although we could not make as good a show as they make in the city. I can say that I was well satisfied with the result. This bit of news is for yourself, as it might not have a good effect for the people to know that the U.S. M for this Territory was here being feasted by Mormon Authorities. I take him to be a very nice man.
            Your families are in their usual health as far as I know. I enclose a bros paper with what Bro B finds in relation to it. I hope that it will be satisfactory to him. With kind regards to all in which --- --- I am as ever yours.

David H. Cannon
 10th May    5

George Coleman Esq
            Spring Creek near Hebron

                        Dear Bro Coleman:-
                                    I have been informed that Bro. Samuel Judd had written you to turn out a steer to me in lieu of one that he marked belonging to me through mistake. The object of this letter is to get you to sell the steer for me and take your pay for trouble out of the proceeds and send the remainder to me. It should be a two year old steer trusting that it may not give you too much trouble and with kind regards.
I am very respectfully
yours and c

David H. Cannon
St. George 13th May 1895
James Booth Esq
St. George, Utah
            Dear Brother:-
                        My Son
Angus tells me that he
wants to get some things
at your store to pay you
hay when he cuts his hay
if you let him have
the things I will see that
he delivers you the hay.
Respectfully yours
            David H. Cannon

(this letter was written like this. It may have been notepaper..)

13th  May     5

President George Q. Cannon
            Salt Lake City, Utah
                        My Dear Brother George Q.:-

                                    We are having warm weather, waters high. The latter to such an extent as to take away o--s the dam. That is the one that furnishes water to the Price field. It went out two weeks ago last Friday. --- --- had a core of hands at work --- and expect to have it replaced by next Saturday night. I am in hopes that we will save most of our crops. I have twenty three acres of as fine grain -wheat- as I have seen in any country, it is just headed out. The boys had just finished watering as the dam went out and we have had one nice shower of rain since. I trust that we may save this. We are just cutting lucerne, this crop is good, the next may be short.
            The Lord is mindful of us in sending rain. It was the first we had t---
            Nat M. Brigham is here sp--- a little time in our city he is accompanied by his wife. They are apparently a nice p---. I placed a team and buggy at his disposal when he comes here a-- they have appreciated it very much. They have drove about looking at the country. They are stopping with Sister Elizabeth Snow. They think they have secured an ideal boarding place. I met them when they first came here which was on Saturday. I also called upon them on Sunday.
            On Tuesday I was taken very sick and was confined to my bed. The Marshal and Mrs. Brigham called to see me as soon as I was better. We got up a party to which we invited Prest and Sister McArthur, Judge and Mrs. Daggett, Judge and Mrs. Woolley, James and Mrs. Andrus, Robt C. and Mrs. Lund. Bishop and Sister Judd, Bro. and Sister Bentley, Bro and Sister Bleak, Sister A.W. Ivins, Sister Anna L. Ivins, Sister E. Snow, and the Marshall and Mrs. Brigham. We had dinner at 6 P.M. The evening was spent in pleasant conversation and singing and music. All seemed to enjoy themselves. We, of course, put our best foot forward and I think the evening was one of enjoyment to all who were present. 
             In speaking to Willie about the affair after it was over I said that I was satisfied with her effort in getting up a dinner. I was not quite satisfied with the interior of my house - that is the furnishings. But as I said to the man who made the remark, “Bro. David, you ride in our old buggy.” to whom I answered, “Yes, but my house is not mortgaged.” I felt this in contemplating the scanty furnishings of my home.
            You will see by this that I did not get to the opening of the Temple, and it was a great trial to me to be confined to my bed and to know that I should be here. I thank my Heavenly Father that I am able to be here now. As I told my people that I could not survive another such a day as Tuesday the 30 ult was. The doctor said it was uric acid poison in the system, how this may be I do not know.
            The health of my family is good as also the health of the people as far as I am aware. I trust that yourself and family are well. With kind love to all I am as ever
Your humble brother,
David H. Cannon

15th May     5
S. Prescott Hardy Esq
            ----, Cassia Co. Idaho
                        Dear Bro Hardy:-
                                    Your favor of M--- --4th addressed to Bro. John D.T. McAllister was handed to me last night. Prest. McAllister has been called to Manti, Sanpete Co. to take charge of the Temple.
--- was the bishop of the ward in which you lived in St. George and the present bishop was not acquainted with you. Neither is the present Prest. of the stake. I take --- in sending you a ---- and as to your condition at the --- you left here.
---- --- --- that yourself and ----- well and with kind ----  am as ever

--- and ---
David H. Cannon

[There were blank spots in the letter. Cba]

15th May    5

To Whom it may concern:

This is to testify that S. Prescott Hardy and family were in the 4 Ward St. George in the St. George Stake in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and at that time were in good standing.
At the time that Bro Hardy --- ---- lived here I was their bishop. ---- here without taking a recommend--
– a letter which we have befo-- – sending date 24th  March 1895. --- --- “has lived as a saint --- conforming to the requirements --- Church.”
            We cheerfully give this letter --- recommendation to the times here with us
--- I am very
Respectfully yours
David H. Cannon

17th May     5

Pres. Angus M. Cannon:
            Salt Lake Stake
                        My Dear Brother Angus:-

                                    We are having very warm dry weather. I am beginning to fear for our crops in the Price field, as our dam was washed out on the 26th ult and although we have had a core of hands at work ever since, it has not been replace. Although it is expected that it will be completed by the 23rd inst. Our grain is already beginning to suffer. I trust that it may be preserved to us for we never had as fine a prospect for crops of all kinds, I planted out a young orchard. The trees will have to be watered soon, it it has to be –ided in barrels, which was done several times in the spring before the water was in the ditch. It is now cloudy. It may possibly rain before it is too late. I wish we had more faith so that we could draw down the rain now it was necessary to do so.
My family are all in their usual health, my own health is much improved. I was taken sick in the morning April 30th at 3 A.M. I was afraid for sometime that my time had come but the Lord spared my life. My little Walter was sick and I administered to him and in one hour he was better and I was taken with the most intense pain in my body. Occasioned the Dr. said by Uric Acid poisons however I was laid up for a week. The 30th was the day for the opening of the Temple. It was a great trial for me not to be here. Yet I could not have come no way.
                   Our companies are increasing every day. Surely the spirit of the work is coming upon the people. We have more altar work than for some time prior as well as Endowments.
                   It is my great anxiety that the people may come and fill this temple which I feel will be the case if we ever have railroad transportation. St. George is very beautiful at this time and with all its d--- t---s. I love St. George and its people.
                   Give my kind love to our kindred to your --- ---  accept the same to your           
                        --- --- to be as ever your humble
                                    --- ---[David] H. Cannon        

(bottom edges of page were missing.            
21st May    5

Prest. Angus M. Cannon
                   Salt Lake City, Utah

                        My Dear Brother Angus:-

                                                I avail myself of another opportunity of wrting you a few lines. I am quite poorly, although too miserable to be of much service here. Yet I am better here than I would be anywhere else when the work was going on in the Temple.
                   My family are in their usual helath. Everything seems prosperous with the people.
                   My sons were up last night from where they are engaged upon the Dam of which I wrote you in my last. They think it will be in by Thursday night.
                   I enclose a recommend brought here by Sister Stewart, wife of Prof. W.M. Stewart of your city. She is a niece of Bro John Pymn's first wife and has come to St. George to help with the work for her mother's family. I had a talk with Sister Stewart and decided to admit her to the Temple as you will see by my signature on the recommend. Had it not have taken so long I would have had her wait its return. I would be glad if you would put your signature to it and return it to me.  Bro Stewart should have known when he sent this to his wife that it should have had your signature.
                    I see by a late paper that your miner have struck the hanging wall. I hope that we may soon hear of your striking the ore body and; it proves very rich.
                   Trusting that all are well with you and with kind regards to yourself and all your loved ones.
                   I am your humble
                                                            David H. Cannon

28th May      5

President John D.T. McAllister
                   Manti Temple. Manti, Sanpete Co.

                                           My Dear Brother McAllister:-

                                                            Your kind and welcome favor of the 22d inst came to hand on the 25th at the close of our Sunday Meeting. I was pleased to receive it and in reading I could fancy that I could hear you speaking the words it contained. Yes sir that is the right thing for this people to do or we must prepare to suffer the consequences of our disobedience.
                   They are just finishing our dam. The water was put into the ditch last night. I hope in time to save our crops. It is hailing now hard and looks like heavy storm.
                   Our dear Sister Julia Ann Moss died -udden on the morning of the 22d inst. --s it --- a great shock but to her relief and just the way she desired to --- she is now with Betsey and loved ones that preceded her. She looked happy??
                   Bro Moss is here today and went into the font for 50 of his dead and his daughter Eda for 90 making 150 between them. The old gentleman expressing a desire to spend the remainder of his days laboring for his dead.
                   Our companies have increased nicely since our opening we have had 319 dead endowments, 15 living endowments; 9 living sealings, 176 dead sealings; 111 children to parents and 8 2nd annointings. We have also had 335 baptisms for the dead, 7 for health and 4 for the renewal of their covenants; while today we have about 159 dead baptisms and other work in proportion.
                   We had a wind storm that done great damage to our fruit yesterday, blowing it off in great quantities. I saw Sister Cornelia yesterday and Alvina today. I believe all are well.
                   --- our sunday school conference on Sunday Monday 19 and 20 inst. Elders Geo Goddard and Ken Reynolds were in attendance. There was no co--- -ound about their remarks, full of the spirit of God. Words to make the wicked tremble and the saints rejoice.
                   These are joyous times to live in, when His purposes are being accomplished fast.
                   Give my love to your fellow laborers to your loved ones. N-- --- --- my brother

                                                                                                                        David H. Cannon

29th May     5

Apostle Francis M. Lyman
                   Salt Lake City, Utah

                                           Dear Brother Lyman:-
                                                When you were speaking to the brethren of the priesthood in St. George the last time you were here, I understood you to say that “parties who were found guilty of having sexual intercourse before marriage should be cut off from the Church, if they had to be baptized again in half an hour whether they had received their endowments or not”
                   My object in asking you this question is to know whether I was right in this understanding or not. I have asked two of the brethren who were at the meetings- their understanding is that your remarks referred to those who had been endowed.

                                           With kind regards I am     
                                                Your brother   

                                                            David H. Cannon