Sunday, January 24, 2016

DHC LETTERBOOK - Letters written August 16th through August 28th 1895

If a word is unreadable I put ---. The spelling and grammar mistakes are mostly his. 
Note: "ult" means previous month; "inst" means current month; "prox" means next month. -CBA

(This letter was very smeared)
16th August    5
Elder Samuel Judd
             Laverkin, Washington Co. Utah
                        Dear Brother Judd:-
                                    I have just returned from Pinto, where I went last Saturday to take a sick child to see if it would--- --- --- wasted strength.
R --- --- tells me that he had come across a heifer of yours bearing my brand. I asked him what  he knew about it. He says he seen the ---heifer and put a rope on it and it --- has your  --- --- --- he has –field since he had ch--- --the cattle at the time. The branding ---he (Sainfield) says he branded --- --- such big cows but claims to --- to know nothing about this cow --- (she is 2 years old)
--- --- question is can we arrange things, --- it seems that ---
One of yours with my brand on and one of mine with your Brandon. Can we call it square. I will leave it for you to say. I do not know how my brand came to be on your heifer as I have not been on the range for three years to look after my stock in any form trusting that I may hear from you. I am
                        Very respectfully
                                                David H. Cannon


16th August     5
President John D T McAllister
             Manti Temple Utah
                        My Dear Brother:-
                                    Your welcome favor of the 13th inst is before me, it is as yours ever are welcome I can realize what it is to be from home and receive letters describing the good time enjoyed by the loved ones. So that I can sympathize with George.
             I learned after writing my last to you that I had made a mistake in relation to Bro Woodward’s age, in his 78 and not his 80th as stated.
             I wish I could just pass the basket of grapes to you that our Bro Bennett has just sent in to the office a guess there must be fully ½ a bushel of them and oh so lushous. I will not say more about the grapes fear lest it makes your mouth water. I received a letter from our Clara Knell, written from Cedar City asking me to come to Pinto and bring Rhoda as Susie was accompanying her home to spend a few days. I got ready and went and took Rhoda and 3 youngest children, we had a good time. Left here at 6 AM and reached Pinto at 3 PM Saturday. Attended meeting on Sunday and spoke to the people all seem glad to see me as I had not been there since last October and then not to attend meeting. Sister Alvina is still at Dameron Valley. Edie on the thrasher. I seen Mart yesterday he said all were well there. I have not seen any of the people today. Frank Pendleton is at Pine Valley and I hope better and although he is in a bad fix and liable to go off anytime and may do damage. I trust that the Lord will effect a permanent cure.
             I left Rhoda at Pinto. The rest of my family are well. The weather is warm. All are busy. The workers desire to be kindly remembered to you. Sister Wells has just been in to be administered to as one of her eyes is much swollen. I think she will be better. Bro. Bleak says our Conference is 15 and 16 September. All will give you a hearty welcome. We have just been visited by Wm T Cannon. He is representing some insurance companies. He was with us several days, has gone back.
             The workers all without exception desire to be remembered to you. We will be glad to welcome you to our meetings of all kinds. May the Lord bless you my dear brother.
                        I am as ever yours
                                    David H. Cannon


23d August    5
John Day Esq
             Hamblin Washington Co. Utah
                        Dear Friend John:-
                                    I have seen Sister Snow in relation to the Pinto Hay. She would rather give the Bishop - --- to sell for money if he can! Had I needed the Hay for my own use I could --- got it but to sell to other parties. He would prefer the Church getting the benefit. The hay will therefore be left in the hands of the Bishop to dispose of. I remain with kind regards to yourself and family.
             Very respectfully
                        David H. Cannon

23d August    5
Elder Samuel Judd
             Laverkin, Washington Co. Utah
                        Dear Brother Judd:-
                                    I received yours of the 18th inst. Yesterday. In reply, and to satisfy my own feelings and that no wrong impression may exist between us! I write again – I want to say that I did ac--- --- statement of the facts as --- --- me, in yours of 9th June and that the man that told me about the branding was a friend to you and did not tell me to injure you.
I never doubted for one moment the purity of your motive. I did ask you to give me the money instead of the steer but with a kindly motive as Sinfield had left the county and at the time I had none to look after my cattle, since then I have got R.C. Knell. It was through this that I learned of my brand being on your heifer. I thought that you could look after the steer better than I could. The only thing that I blamed you for in the matter was that you did not tell me of the branding before, yet I regarded this as the result of negligence and not willfulness. I write this that there may be no ill feeling between us as I think you know me well enough to know that if there was anything on my part against you you would be the man I would speak to about it and not first to some one else.
             The Hunts I regard as prejudiced against you possibly because you let your cattle to some one else.
             I can truthfully say that there is no feelings but the best towards you on my part.
                        With kind regards
                                    I remain your brother
                                                In the Gospel
                                                            David H. Cannon


26th August    5
President John D.T. McAllister
             Manti Temple, Sanpete Co. Utah
                        My Dear Brother McAllister:-
                                    Your interesting favor of the 22d inst reached me yesterday. It is nice to hear from those we love and know of their w---. I am sure that we have great reasons to rejoice and give thanks to the Lord for His goodness.
             I am pleased to report Sister Cornelia better. She has been very sick. I called in and administered to her one day last week. She was a sick woman and no mistake. She thought it had been brought on by eating grapes. Sister Alvina has got back. While I have not seen her myself it is reported to me that the chances are against her recovery. However she is in the hands of our good kind Father and He will do all things right. Tempa McA. is waiting upon her. Eddie is still on the Thrasher and I think doing well.
             Bro. William Ivins has laid away his little daughter, was buried on Saturday. She has never recovered from the effect of the accident that befell her on four weeks previous.
             Bro. James McArthur married Miss ---y Oxborrow. I think last October. She has passed through a terrible ordeal. She was taken in labor last Thursday and continued until Friday evening, when the child had to be taken from her with instruments. It as a sad thing. We were sent for when we got out of the Temple and remained until --- operation was over. It was the power of the Lord that --- --- life although the child was sacrificed. The mother’s Faith and courage was wonderful and her strength held out to beat all I ever saw. Poor body it starts the perspiration to think of what she endured. There is not much sickness here at present although the weather keeps warm in the day time but cool at night.
             Speaking of the Dixie Star. I fear it is --- a young Robin the largest when it was born, as I am certain that St. George cannot support a paper of that size it has a patent inside. He will never get from his subscribers what that will cost, however this is to you. I would be the last one to discourage the poor fellow but I am a bit of a judge of what it takes to get out a paper. If he had started half the size he might possible have carried it. The whole thing is done on tick as Jakeman has no money. Bro. Jos Field is here helping him start. I would like it to be a success.
             May the Lord less you and make you adusate? to every ordeal through which you may have to pass. Give my kind love to your loved ones, our friend and accept the same yourself. Believe me to be as ever your brother.
                                    David H. Cannon

27th August    5
President Angus M. Cannon
             Salt Lake City, Utah
                        My Dear Brother Angus:-
                                    Your welcome favor of the 23d inst reached me last night. I was pleased to hear from you, and learn that dear Amanda was better. And that the rest of you were in their usual health.
             In relation to you not answering mine to you at the time I knew the reason you had not done so just as well before you sent me as I did after. I had kept a constant --- to the mining news as reported in the ---. I have been as anxious as a person could be who was not putting up means to hear that you had struck it rich. I would say write me when you can --- --- always pleased to hear from you. The weather has been unusually warm here this summer, although it is moderating now. Nights are pleasant so we can sleep well. Two weeks ago I took Rhoda and her three youngest children to Pinto to visit people. Her youngest boy, Vernon was poorly so I left them there. Lewis and Woodruff went up there on Friday for an out and to bring Rhoda home. I expect them back to day with the above exception my family are all well.
             You have no doubt heard of the marriage of our nephew, Angus C. Woodbury to Miss Diantha Rogers of St. George, daughter of David Rogers. I do not think that he will go wrong while passing through life as the rate at which he moves is slow. He is a good boy. Sister Ann’s children will soon be married of Clara is the only one left single and she has a good prospect. I am --- --- --- the young fellows to begin to cut wood at my place as I have 3 grown daughters however, I am in no hurry!
             I wish that I could pass a basket of grapes to you that has been brought into my office they are raisin grapes and as fine as I ever seen. They have been raised on the Temple grounds. There is more than 50 lbs in the basket.
             The outlook for Dixie is very good. Our crops have been abundant your fancy wheat being sold in St George for fifteen dollars a ton and no market at that price. Speaking of your debts, I am indebted four hundred and fifty dollars. I do not think I have property to bring that if the money had to be raised here. I think it will come but how at present I do not know.
             We have nice companies in this Temple and the Spirit of the Lord is with us, our workers are old that is the brethren, but they are anxious as ever to render the service to the acceptance of the Lord and those for whom they labor.
             Give my kind love to all your folks --- our kindred and accept the same yourself.
I am your humble brother,
                        David H. Cannon

28th August    5
Apostle Abraham H. Cannon
             Salt Lake City, Utah
                        My Dear Abraham:-
                        I have thought since receiving your favor of the 15th inst. And learning how pressed you are for time that it would probably be as well for me to see the individuals who have brought the several pieces of land at tax sales and see if they would relinquish their claims to you for receipt of the cash for costs with 10 percent in trust and by this means save you the trouble of seeing all the original owners which would take you some time to do.
             If you approve of this let me know and I will see to it at onest.
             I have deferred writing you to allow you time to return from your California trip. I trust that everything is progressing satisfactory. With kind regards to you and yours. I remain
             Yours as ever

                        David H. Cannon