Wednesday, January 20, 2016

DHC LETTERBOOK - Letters written July 23 to July 31 in 1895

Here are the rest of the July 1895 letters written by David H. Cannon.


If a word is unreadable I put ---. The spelling and grammar mistakes are mostly his. 
Note: "ult" means previous month; "inst" means current month; "prox" means next month. -CBA

23d July   5
President John D.T. McAllister
                        Manti Temple Sanpete Co. Utah         
                                                My Dear Brother McAllister:-
                                                                        Your kind favor of 14th inst reached me last Thursday. I was pleased to receive it. As I always am [glad] to hear from you. Everything is moving as usual with us as a people, and I think the health is generally good save a few cases of summer complaint amongst the children. Bro Hiram Prisbrey lost a little girl last week, she was about 2 years old, to make it worse the mother was confined of a son the day previous to the death of the little girl. Another thing the family are in very poor circumstance. I sent over to see how Sister Cornelia is and they send me word that the family are well. Nelly A. McAllister from Kanab is in town, so I am told. Come to bring Annie home. Bro John L. Smith was with us last week, but is not here again today. He is failing quite fast. My own health has been quite poor most of the time for several weeks, although I am in good health at present.
             We attended to baptisms yesterday (Monday) will close tomorrow to give all an opportunity to celebrate Pioneer day. There is a fine programme prepared which will be rendered in the Tabernacle, dinner for Pioneers and Battalion together with all above 60 years of age, with out regard to their religious ---.
             I made some investigation in regard to the destroyed garden and found from disinterested parties that the garden had not been destroyed but was as good as usual some things are a failure in all gardens this season. David says that there has not been an animal of his on the place this season to his knowledge of this he is willing to be qualified. He says his cow has tied up by the head except the night that it was said she had been in that lot. She had got away from the herder and went down to Atkinville. George Lytle I am told seen Foster’s cow in the lot but not destroy to exceed 4 hills of corn as she was taken out at onest. The out side fence was down.
             People are busy Thrashing. My sons are Thrashing in the Washington filed today. We will do so here on Friday if everything goes as expected. I see that your son Eddie is working on one of the Thrashing machines. We have four running in the city or in the vicinity of the City today.
             Talk of Railroad increases, the company has paid Mr. Moore, Engineer who surveyed a line through this city several years ago $450 for his field notes and they furnish him a typewriter to do the work for him so that this looks like business.
             We expect if approved by the Brethren to close this Temple on the evening of the 27th September and will extend to you a harty welcome whenever you please to come down. Give my kind regards to the Brethren and Sisters who are with ou and accept the same to yourself and loved ones. May the Lord bless you. I am as ever your fellow laborer and brother.
David H. Cannon

30th July   5
Apostle Abraham H. Cannon
             Salt Lake City, Utah
                        I left here last Saturday morning to fill a missionary appointment at Virgin City on Sunday.  And on reaching home last night found your welcome favor of the 23rd inst. I am sorry that you could not see your way clear to make the purchase of the St. George property. If you desire to do so. If it was in my power to --- better terms on it I would be glad to do so but it being an estate, there are rules by which I must be p--cessed
             In relation to the lots to which have been sold for taxes, it will be necessary – the authority to redeem them from – owners or some representative of the owner. As the persons who bid them in at the Tax sale would retain them, only the Law gives the owners the right to reclaim them within a given times. Hence the necessity of having their order.
             While these parties would like to retain possession of them the law says they may be redeemed by the owners.
             The assessor promised to get me out the exact amount that would be due on each lot including interest and cost. He has not done so but says he will soon, when he does I will forward it to you.
             You might see for --- one who would like to purchase the place that I have for sale here in the City, if so, be kind enough to let me know their name, as I fear that I will not be able to find a purchaser here for want of money.
             My little son is better and the rest of my family are in their usual health.
             Give my love to your family and accept the same yourself. I remain as ever yours
David H. Cannon

31st July   5
Elder Wm A Posey
             Thatcher, Arizona
                        Dear Brother Posey:-
                                    Yours of the 14th inst containing Ten dollars, Temple donation was received several days since, but owing to a press of other business has not been answered since. The Money was placed to your credit upon our Free will offering Book.
             I was pleased to learn that you had arrived at home in safely and that all were well with you.
             Our companies keep up very well in this Temple, considering the busy season of the year.
             My family are in their usual health and would join with me in kind regards to yourself and family if they knew I was writing. Remember me kindly to Prest. Layton when you see him. I am your brother in the new and ever lasting covenant.
David H. Cannon

31st July   5
Prest Angus M. Cannon.        
             Salt Lake City, Utah.
                        My Dear Brother Angus:-
                                    As I have leisure I avail myself of the opportunity of writing you.
             Our sister, Leonora came down last night and accompanied me to Josephine’s to supper. Where we had a nice visit. It is the first time I have seen her for a year. She is looking well and is accompanied by her daughter, Rhoda and brought her son, Angus to drive the team. The occasion of her coming is, so I am informed to attend the wedding reception of her nephew, Angus C. Woodbury. Who is to be married to day at 12 M. The happy Lady being a Miss Dianthy Rodgers, daughter of David Rodgers of this place. At whose house the reception is to take place, they speak of her as a nice young Lady, hope they will be happy.
             On Tuesday last week Willie and Josephine went to the field to cook for the Thrashers who were Thrashing for Angus and his portion and did not get home until Wednesday night and on Friday the machine came to our place they thrashed 370 bushels (machine measure) of wheat for me and by the time this was done the girls were tired. I took Willie and we went to Virgin City on Saturday where we attended meeting on Sunday, returning home on Monday night both being benefited by the trip.
             My little sons, Louis and Woodruff are now busy plowing and getting ready to put in their fall grains. We have not put in stubble corn this season, but will let the land rest until the last of September when we will sow the grains. I feel proud of the efforts of my young farmers, I should have said that Angus and his pastures had 350 bus. wheat (machine measure) by weight our grain (370) bushels would have been 462 bushels of 60 lbs to the bushel.
             The weather is unusually warm and all feel it. Our companies are not large, still fair for this busy season of the year. Our sealings amount to considerable that is children to parent and couples as husbands and wives. My family are well at present. My own health is not good nor has it been much of the time since my return from the City. I feel that I am getting to be an old man. Give my love to all your folks and accept the same to yourself in which to Bro G—
             I am as ever –

David H. Cannon