Saturday, January 23, 2016

DHC LETTERBOOK - Letters written August 2nd through August 15th 1895

If a word is unreadable I put ---. The spelling and grammar mistakes are mostly his. 
Note: "ult" means previous month; "inst" means current month; "prox" means next month. -CBA

2d August   5
Elder W.C. Spence
             Salt Lake City, Utah
                        My Dear Brother Spence:-
                                    There is a sister here with us who is desirous of returning to the city. She is in very poor circumstances. I do not know if the railroads make a rate for Temple laborers. If anything can be done this is a worthy object.
             The name is Mrs. Belle F. Knell. Our weather is warm, otherwise we have no cause of complaint. The health of the people is good for the season of the ear.
             Trusting that the forgoing will not give you too much trouble and with kind regards. I am as ever
                        Your Brother in the gospel
                                    David H. Cannon
P S The fare is desired from Milford to Salt Lake City

2d August    5
R.C. Knell Esq.
             Pinto, Washington Co. Utah
                        Dear Brother:- 
                                    Yours of 30th ult. Reached me last night. In reply will say that I have written this morning to the City for a special rate for Sister Belle to Salt Lake City. I did not ask for it to return as she wanted to remain until after Conference and the longest time they can grant on a round trip special rate is a month. So that I thought it better to ask for a single fare and then get another single fare to return which can be easily done, if I am up to conference. I can get it for her on some one up there. Bro. R.C. Badger can get it. My family are in their usual health. We have thrashed and had 370 bushels (machine measure) of wheat. Was pleased to learn that little Rhoda was well. I tried to get some shoes to send her when David went north but could not do so as there was none at either the Coop or Woolley Lund and Judds stores and I had no deal at any others. If I have an opportunity before I come will send them yet. The weather is warm here and the last night was a scorcher.
             There is considerable talk of railroad here. I hope that it will assume form and not end in talk as such things have done in times past.
             I was at Virgin City last Sunday. Crops all through Dixie are good although fruit is a failure, that is peaches, at Virgin al---  good at all the settlements this side of there and also above on the river or I am informed that this is the case.
             I think that there never was so much grain raised in this part before yet it is going to be cheap, a man told me the other day that he sold a ton of wheat for $15.00. This is 75 cts for hundred lbs. I would have to be cramped before I could be induced to sell grain at such a rate.
             I see by the papers that the Brethren have returned from Alaska. I hope that Prest. Woodruff’s health is permanently improved. He is an old man and his health will naturally be impaired.
Give my kind regards to your Father and Mother also to your wife and accept the same yourself. Believe me to as
Ever yours, David H. Cannon


5th August   5
President John D.T. McAllister
             Manti Temple, Sanpete Co. Utah
                        My Dear Brother McAllister:-
                                    Your welcome favor of the 29th ult came duly to hand. I always am pleased to receive yours to me as it seems like having a talk with you.
             The weather is very warm and close at present time yesterday the thermometer registered 110 in the shade.
             My family are in their usual health. Yours are also well so far as I know or I should have said excepting Alvina, she sent for me to come and administer to her yesterday. She’s sick, she said that Eddie was going to take her to Dameron Valley last night. Cornelia the children were at meeting yesterday. Annie and Wilford in the choir. All looked well and happy. Our Bro. John L. is still poorly, looks bad. Bro Pimm is well, as also the rest of our workers both male and female.
             I have thrashed the wheat raised by my --- boys Lewis and woodruff. We had of nice clean wheat 462 bushels. Angus and the boys with him raised and thrashed 437 bushels, this is by weight of 60 lbs to the bushel. The boys feel encouraged especially the smaller ones. Of course they have had to cut and haul the hay in addition to attending the grain.
             I took Willie in the buggy and we went to Virgin City a week ago last Saturday attended meeting with the people Sunday returned home Monday. We had a good time. I intend to go to Pinto either next Saturday or one week from then if all is well. I have not been up there since last fall. Clara is away at beaver attend the summer school. My going will depend on her return as I want her to be home when I go as it will take Rhoda with me and I would like them to have a little visit.
             Bro. Ivins is at home and was at meeting yesterday I think the first time in two months. Our Sister Ivins is failing, but she is old 79 years in fact most of our workers are along in years. Bro Fawcett in his 81st year, Bro Bigler in his 80 year, Bro Pimm 80 AP Winsor 77. C.A. Terry 75, Geo Woodward 80 John L Smith 67 (“but the oldest of them all”)
             Frank Pendleton is bad again, poor boy. Our 24th was a success the dinner and all, everything passed off nicely. In the evening while the people were together enjoying themselves Sister Booth and some other Sisters came in with their Handcarts. They had their little children along; pulled up under the trees while some got supper at the camp fire others fixed the beds, while one sunburnt maiden got her guitar and sang and played. You would have thought you were on the plains it was so natural.
             May the Lord bless you and yours Kind love to all I am as ever yours,
David H. Cannon


7th August   5
Bishop Robert Knell
            Pinto, Washington Co. Utah
                        Dear Bro. Knell:-
                                    I had fully intended to have visited you ere this, but circumstances over which I had no control prevented me from doing so. Last week was our regular High council and next Saturday is the Quarterly Board Meeting of the Factory to be held at the factory and I must attend that meeting. I had fully intended being with you. The health of the family is good although I fancy that our little Vernon is not so well yesterday.
            Everybody are busy and it seems to me that there is plenty for as m--- people to do, if we had the m--- people. The weather is very warm, the thermometer stood on Sunday 110 degrees Monday 112 --- Tuesday 109, this will give you an -------- we are having in the shape of warm weather.
            Many people have been away to Panguitch Lake and other places and most have returned home to suffer more than as if they had never been away, as the weather is so much warmer than when they left home. We have plenty of grapes on the Temple grounds now Bro Bennet has sent me up a nice basket full on 3 different occasions and they are beautiful. Melons and fruit are in season now. Tomatoes I fear is not going to do well, so many vines are dying from some cause
            I get word that we will have some of the Apostles with us at our September Conference and that Bro. Lyman will visit the Muddy and others of our settlements in Nevada.
            There is a pretty good feeling among our people at the present time, which is likely soon to change as the political pot is beginning to boil.
            Please say to Belle that I will see that the word from the City is got to her as soon as it comes here. I asked that it be sent to Pinto as well as to me, but will send it from here to make sure. Love to all from all, not forgetting my little Rhoda. I am as ever.
David H. Cannon

14th August   5
Elder O.H. Berg
             Provo City, Utah Co. Utah
                        Dear Brother:-
                                    Yours of the 5th inst came duly to hand and its contents noted. In reply will say that I have placed the letter in the hand of our chief recorder with instructions to send you a full transcript of the work done by yourself, Sister Berg and your daughter.
             We are here to serve the people and it affords us pleasure to do anything in our power for them.
             Trusting that yourself and family are well and with kind regards.
             I remain your
                        Brother in the Gospel
                                    David H. Cannon

14th August    5
Sister Mary D. Fuller
             Pine, Gila Co. Arizona
                        Dear Sister Fuller:-
                                    Your favor of the 18th ult reached me several days since. I have deferred answering until now, trying to see what I could by of way of selling the north half of the Lot. I have tried diligently and the best offer that I have received is one hundred and seventy five dollars cash. Sister Whipple has sold the south half of her lot to the Ashbys for one hundred seventy five dollars, it had a good foundation for a two roomed house on it at the time. One hundred dollars was cash and seventy five horned stock. This is --- when your place is offered. I would not sell for that unless I was obliged to, as I think this property will be higher. This is only my opinion.
In relation to the taxes I rented the place to Brig Woolfenstejn, he went out west and has not returned but he arranged for the taxes with the assessor and is responsible for them, and I will see that they are all paid. The balance of the rest that he owes is to be in something that will put a new fence on the lot. The house has been vacant since the last of March I would have had them get out sooner but expected him home every day. There is talk of a railroad coming through St. George, just as soon as this becomes a sure thing, property will come up so that if I were you I would wait unless as I said I was obliged to sell in order t get money. I told the man who made the offer that I would write you but I was satisfied that you would not take it. Times are the closest here for many --- --- have ever seen during my residence in this county 33 years.
             With kind regards to yourself and Bro. Fuller as also the family.
                        I remain very respectfully
                                    Your Brother
                                                David H. Cannon


15th August    5
John R. Murdock Esq
             Beaver City, Utah
                        Dear Sir:-
                                    Yours of 9th inst is to hand and contents noted. I wish to say that I can not and do not expect to be actively engaged in Politics during the approaching struggle. I consider a man holding the position ecclesiastical that I hold should let politics alone.
             I consider Presley Denny a good man and were I working he would get my strongest support for the position of District Judge. Personally he is a friend of mine and I believe him to be thoroughly competent.
             This county is considered to be the hot bed of Democracy but if it was well handled by able Republicans, there would be a heavy vote for the party at the coming election and in a short time would become a Republican county! As I tell you my position would preclude the possibility of me doing anything publically in politics.
             I will state that my sons and daughters as also the rest of my family are republicans, and so ar as they can do so are expecting to vote that ticket.
             The weather is warm, the health of the people is good for the season of the year.
                        With kind regards,
                                    I am
                                                Very respectfully
                                                                        David H. Cannon


15th August    5
Bishop Robt Knell
             Pinto, Washington Co. Utah
                        Dear Brother:-
                                    Enclosed please find 3 checks on Wells Fargo Bank for 26 dollars each being 60 percent on your C--- C--- stock which will be followed by another payment in a few days. The present checks being 3 payments of 20 per cent each.
             All is well with us, the weather is warm. All send love to all.
                        I am as ever

                                                David H. Cannon
